Thursday, 31 December 2015

The end is nigh and the beginning is nearby

The end is nigh and the beginning is nearby

Quote of the day

‘The end is nigh and it is time to say goodbye. The beginning is nearby too and it is time to be at your PRIME. It is time to Purify, Rectify, Imply, Magnify and Electrify.’

The final day of 2015 has finally arrived. Today the Sun shines an inspirational glow of positivity into our hearts telling us something. My interpretation of this inspirational glow is that a message of hope is written in the skies asking us politely to be in our PRIME. Yet another power word comes to our tables on the final day of 2015. Write this word down and keep it in your diary as a reference source. PRIME stands for Purification, Rectification, Implication, Magnification and Electrification. Purification is the cleansing process of one’s heart by sweeping away hostilities and draping it with possibilities. Hostilities augments your anger and makes you carry it with you into 2016. Do you really want that? Do you want to be angry with every human being including yourself or do you want to replace it with friendliness? What are the possibilities? How about creating friends forever and ever? Surely this is a better approach to your day and your life. Rectification is the Science of making amends. What went wrong can easily be put right. Poverty can be reversed into prosperity. Anger can be replaced with love. Enemies can be exchanged for Friendship. War can be dissolved with peace. It is also a lifelong process of restoring the gentleness in you and the kindness that you once had. Why do I say this? We all are gentle and kind but do not release these qualities in the way we should. Our daily grind makes us selfish and forgetful. We forget to be gentle when gentleness is most needed. We forget the posture of being kind when kindness can change the mood of someone else. Implication is about being suggestive in order to create a worthy inference. Suggestions are always needed in world that is constantly changing. You could be suggestive at home, work or at school. It does not hurt to be suggestive but you need to be impressive rather than aggressive. You cannot force a suggestion onto someone. A suggestion is a proposal and if you take the first step others may follow. Magnification is the power to augment your strength, your energy, your goals, you vision, your personality and your ideas. Magnification is not a crime but rather an enzyme that speeds up your power to achieve and receive. If you lack the drive and energy, then you need to magnify your foods by replacing poor foods with good foods. Knowing that you need a certain amount of energy or vibrancy to get the job done is not enough. You need to top-up with the right nutrients. Good foods create good moods. Magnify your intake and you will see a vast difference to your overall performance. Conversely, reduce your intake of good foods and replace them with junk food and you invite procrastination and lethargies into your life. Finally, Electrification is about captivating your audience in 2016 with sincerity, honesty, positivity and likeability. Electrification is a 24/7 diligent process. Your space and time must reveal to the world that you are here to get the job done. Electrification is about setting examples for others to follow. Are you ready to be at your PRIME in 2016? I feel so excited about meeting 2016. I wish you a very, very Happy New Year and may you become the greatest achiever in your field.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

TCP - Target, Condition, Preparation with Prudence.

TCP - Target, Condition, Preparation with Prudence.

Quote of the day

‘To make a New Year work you need an effective and sequential plan of action. In this instance TCP is a preferred method. It is a matter of Targeting problem areas in your life followed by a series of related Conditions. The next stage is the Preparation Cycle which can be difficult but if done with Prudence can turn a New Year into a magical year.’

Welcome to the penultimate day of 2015. Six months ago we started our combined cruise to a more successful life, in two days we shall meet success face on. To me this is one of the greatest adventures in life, preparing for Success and then meeting it face on. One of the gestures that most of us make is valediction. We start by saying farewell to 2015 and then we follow on by saying welcome 2016. All of this is done in a spilt second. Farewell, goodbye, adios, totsiens, Namaste, poittu varen, hamba kakuhle or nasvidenje all imply the same emotions. We feel happiness in a year that brought life to this world and but there is also sadness when life is taken away from this world. We also feel the gladness in whatever we tried to achieve and the gratefulness of our survival through the good times and the bad times. Bad weather created discomfort for many in 2015. War created devastation on a mammoth scale and how sad it was to see woman and children homeless and destitute. Animal cruelty is common like always and human abuse is rife. Goodbyes can become emotional when an old year fades away and so are greetings when the New Year appears along the horizon of hope. Are you still heavily laden with previous emotions carried over from years of trials and tribulations? Are your emotions saddle strapped to common ailments, crippling payments, usurious statements, mass unemployment, personal attachments or curtailments? In that split second when an Old Year is eclipsed by a New Year you could choose to carry your emotions with you or you could choose to overcome them. To change them effectively and profitably you need to Target the areas of your dilemmas. You cannot leave no stone unturned. Targeting is about directing your energies to the problem at hand. You could do it alone or you could do it as a team. Always remember that teamwork makes dreams work, they really do. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Once you direct or target your problem areas you need to stipulate Conditions. If you are riddled in debt, then you need to Condition yourself. You need to cut by asking what. To create a shift in 2016 you need to cut down on expenses that are irrelevant. This is where the what comes into play. What do I really need and what can I eliminate from my expenses? This is a personal quest that you have to discover. Your pain and sufferings will help you to unravel the skeletons from the closet. Money is something you can generate, sometimes you may have to be reminded of that. If you are in debt it is definitely not the end of the world for you. Debt is not really a problem but it requires a Conditional approach to eliminate or eradicate it. This procedure is the same for any problem. What follows is the arduous task of Preparation. Preparation is your groundwork. What is your strategy? What are your weaknesses and your strengths? What can you do? What help can you get? Most Human Beings are humane and will always come forward to help because they know well that when they had a previous problem help was always there. Nothing is impossible but with Prudence you can shift everything in your favour. A colleague once told me that he was once riddled with debts totally over £25K. He used the TCP approach and in two years he became debt free. He knew that he had time on his side and he knew that he wanted to see a change in his life. He has a happy approach to life now and although he is emotional about saying farewell to an old year he is equally emotional to meet a New Year with courage. You can do it. You just need a similar level of courage. Always keep a record of potent words that I have used in the past. Use these words as psychological tools to combat difficulties in your life.  Print off pertinent articles that I wrote in the past and more importantly try to read The Modern Day Trilogy, which was and still is my personal blueprint to success. There are over 1700 articles for you to read and this is growing by the week. Somewhere in the archives of Universally Friendly there will be a nest of solutions for you to grasp and take action thereafter. Every problem is different but every solution remains the same. With love and best wishes to all of you from the bottom of my heart. Your future is as important as mine. Good luck in all your endeavours in 2016.

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

The Earth Walker

The Earth Walker - Waking up from a dream and pursuing it

Quote of the day

‘Dreams are reveries to be contemplated on. If it feels good, then I suggest getting up from bed and pursuing them. The climax could be one of many. Dreams are like aero bubbles transporting you onto the meridian of your wildest fantasies. Those fantasies if pursued can turn into reality.’

A very, very warm welcome to you from me, Anthony Pan seated here in front of a new day in good old London Town. When I wake up from a dream, I contemplate on that epic vision filled with strong aspirations and ask why did I dream about it. Dreams are created by your own personal footage that you have captured over a lifetime. Depending on how you feel when you retire your mind creates subtle dreams for you to consider. If a dream brings peace to my heart, I then consider the next stage and that is pursuance. Yes, pursuance is the name of the game and the path of The Earth Walker. The Earth Walker is an individual that walks the Earth without fear but with footsteps that never tramples the undergrowth beneath. Dreams may appear as fairy tales, seasonal stories, melodic tunes or about dancing birds but you must always remember you created them. Something that you saw and liked was captured in high definition by the intricacy of your brain. I always make a habit of capturing good footage and to maintain a vibrant spirit, as a result my dreams becomes something epic. This is why when I wake up from a dream, I contemplate my epic footage to see if my subconscious mind is trying to tell me something. Sometimes my dreams remind me of my uniqueness and my inner and outer beauty especially when someone ridicules me. My dream often incites me to continue believing in myself rather than the judgement passed onto me by someone else. There is always a missing link in our passage in life and time. Dreams creates those missing links, once found you need to pursue. You need to become The Earth Walker, to be able to see the light again, to visit serene places and to have an amazing life. The Earth Walker has no limitations, to him or her the skies are endless and the pools are saturated with freshness. The Earth Walker is touched by the gentle breeze and enlightened by the greenery. The Earth Walker feels forever young, travelling beyond his or her dreams. Once you reached the status of an Earth Walker you need to take action. You need to become as busy as the bee, you need to stand at the summit of your hopes and dreams and fulfil them by the second. As the proclaimed Earth Walker you are responsible for the Earth, to establish inner peace and outer peace. You need to feel the Earth from coast to coast and touch nature with gentleness and understanding. Don’t pursue a dream without a thorough preview. Focus on what you dreamt and if it is pleasing to your senses, pursue it. Dear Friends, you can reach the climax of your incredible success but you need to believe in yourself. Tomorrow I shall talk about the action process. The action process is sequential but effective. My article tomorrow is called – TCP, Target, Condition, Preparation with Prudence.

Monday, 28 December 2015

Getting prepared for a New beginning in 2016

Getting prepared for a New beginning in 2016

Quote of the day

‘Like an astronaut you need to prepare rather than despair. You need to aware rather than be elsewhere. To do this effectively I suggest a procedure called IMAGING. IMAGING is Inspiration, Motivation, and Action Guarantees Instantaneous New Goals.’

Inspiration is what we need to take like fuel to a rocket. We need to take this daily to ensure proper lift off. Motivation is the cockpit of our craft, indicating, directing and observing as we propel forward into a life of new and old responsibilities. Your journey in 2016 is about to begin but it will never end. I am here to guide you each day and offer bespoke inspirational material to guide you even further. Universally Friendly is a Family of Friends around the world that care, share and remain fair. This is your inspirational prescription. Become a Universal Friend today and enjoy a life that is so different to before, this is your motivation. The world is your oyster and the pearl is your treasure. In the valley of the forest, in the dunes of the desert, along the beds of the ocean floor, in caves of stalactites and stalagmites, in the diminishing depths of the ionosphere, in the fertility of new planets and in the dormancy of older planets life is enriched according to nature's decree. Live your life in the richness of fondness and in the magnitude of acceptance. This is how you prepare for a New Year rather than live in despair like before. You need to walk the plains of your daily grind with acknowledgement of accomplishment, fulfilment and desire. The essence of Universally Friendly is to make you aware of your circumstances rather than be elsewhere and ignore your daily responsibilities. We are still pupils even though we graduated from school. Responsibilities are like our school homework. Can you go to school the next day without completing your homework.  You need to take action once you receive your daily inspiration. You need to be motivated like him, her and all of them. Where do we start with so much to ingest? How do we start a New Year if we are already riddled in debt? Which way do we go if we are only drawn to the same repetitive chore each day? Dear Friends, it all starts from a blank canvas. It all starts from the base of your heart where seeds of golden goals are instilled. Golden seeds are really golden because they do not tarnish with the selfish intent of so many that just want to hoard treasures for themselves. Golden goals start when YOU have instilled in your heart want you earnestly want to achieve. Rome indeed, was not built in a day and the plans to create such an empire were calculated and envisaged a lot earlier. So too are your unselfish goals which you would have amassed by now. Not ready, no worries go back and start reading The Modern Day Trilogy word for word again and amass your unselfish goals into a cluster of unselfish actions that will change your life for the common good. If you do not have a copy of The Modern Day Trilogy, no worries follow me daily on a social media of your choice such as: Twitter: to grasp a summarised start to your new life. Whether you read The Modern Day Trilogy or follow me on Twitter or any other form of Social Network it is important to read every word or tweet for they cognate into series of purposeful instructions for you to implement. I say this with great importance, word for word because what I perceived was new knowledge and when I read The Modern Day Trilogy, I read it word for word, in great depth, with relevance and with vigour. These were then just spoken words but results were only achieved when I took action in a moat of unselfish deeds which were made up of good deeds and golden goals. Can you see the pattern? Action only became possible after I took my daily dose of Inspiration followed relentless by Motivation? The right Inspiration and Motivation always will guarantee you to create those golden goals. My Destinations Dairy which started with pen and paper on a blank canvas later became my personal template to create and manage my remaining Time on planet Earth. Such a diary is also available to you for free or if you prefer a hard copy at a substantially reduced price. Yes, Time the temporal transcript of our existence is recorded every second and every day throughout the Creation. Imagine reaching your 90th birthday in good stead, awakening to the rising Sun and looking back in awe to know that you have done well. As you sit in your armchair you start to feel rewarded knowing that you have left behind a legacy of good deeds for others to follow. As you pan the road where you live every flower, shrub, tree or street furnishing has your markings inscribed onto it. You know exactly when the flowers bloom and await the yearly yield at the precise moment, you sit stalwart, robust and staid. You listen to the noises of the children knowing that they are fine, untroubled, focussed and orientated. You listen to the chirping of the birds and understand that their migratory cycle has gone according to schedule. You noticed coloured bins on each lawn, each holding its rightful waste to be recycled. All vehicles are now hybrid, the air is fresher and the early morning gazette is filled with the inscriptions of your worldly deeds. Technology is now our tool and we use it to implement our lives rather than suppress it. How do you make a start? How did you participate to make a change from high levels of crime, pollution and abuse to serenity, equanimity and peace? It all started when you put pen to paper and decided to make an individual change. Yes, it is that individual change that made the overall contribution that you see each morning. How old were you when you started reading The Modern Day Trilogy? Let us assume that you purchased The Modern Day Trilogy when you were 27 years of age, troubled and uncertain of the future. You took action and you started to make an individual change. As you recorded your actions in your Diary you are recording your biography on planet Earth. As each year passes, you conclude your first volume of your life on Earth refining each aspect of worldly existence in the way that suits you. Over the years your archive of voluminous entries is depicted in the exact way you managed your time on Earth. You have turned 63 years of your age on planet Earth with a good cluster of family, friends and acquaintances worldwide. You now have a library of 63 volumes of your life on Earth depicting the traumas you faced and conquered, the happiness you cherished and the memories you created. GOD is pleased in YOU and YOU are pleased with yourself. This is the entry level into 2016.

Saturday, 26 December 2015

The Sound of Sorrow

The Sound of Sorrow

Quote of the day

 ‘Sorrow can be deep and can reach the base of unhappiness. It can be a lonely affair, a period to grieve and mourn and a feeling of sadness that grips your heart. In the spirit of Christmas, I want to tell you that tomorrow can be different if you tried. It can become a period of joy, happiness and delight. You just need to be reminded of what it is to be given an opportunity to be alive.’

Yesterday I was all alone, contemplating my life and my future. I was weak and I was bleak. I was hungry and I was cold. I was sad and I was mad about the way my life panned out. What will I do tomorrow if no one wants to employ me, educate me or teach me a basic skill? What will I eat if I have no money? What will I wear, where would I sleep and how shall I keep warm in winter amidst the cold of the night and under the blustery sound of the day. All I wanted to do now was to fall into a deep sleep and hope for a miracle that might fall upon me during the night. If not, then I shall perish without cause and without reason. I will be soon forgotten and never remembered. Do you sometimes feel like that? These were my feelings over 21 years ago, uttered in the way I exactly felt. However today I am here, 21 years later revived and survived. Suddenly I got up from that deep sleep awakened to the sound of life. I saw birds that morning flying so freely and living so enchantingly happy. They did not seem to worry about what they shall eat or where they shall sleep. They seemed to have an ordained plan and kept to their daily roster. I then saw a spider’s web in front of me and a spider too beside the web, waiting in anticipation. Everything in front of me had a purpose and woke up each day to get on with their daily grind. They were not like me, muttered in my thoughts, uttered in constant hesitation, shuttered from the outside world and cluttered in my daily agenda. It seemed that I had awakened to a miracle for I had seen the wonders of life in front of me, carrying on laboriously right in front of my very eyes whilst I sat brooding. I prayed for a miracle and it came upon me like a glow in the sky. Now it was up to me to react and then act. It was time for me to get up and to have the courage to live. I needed to get a grip on my affairs and to establish what I want to do. If I could establish this, then my tomorrows will no longer be filled with sorrows. I needed to be strong and not wrong.  I knew that I must not give up neither should I lose faith. This was my pledge, my solemn pledge to do well. I have the appendages to respond to these miraculous reactions and I have the time to execute my actions. 21 years ago I was given a chance, 21 years later I am reminding you of that chance to change your life into a more prosperous one. Miracles are happening right in front of you, all the time, you just need to grasp it with good intentions and be satisfied without bad contentions and unnecessary tensions. Christmas brings hope and joy to many. Christmas is a miracle and as we are constantly reminded of the importance of this auspicious day, we need to react and act like the birds and the bees. We really do. Don’t give up on yourself. Unleash the power from within you and turn your life around. You have the time to do just that which is equated to 86,400 seconds a day.

Boxing Day

Boxing Day

Quote of the Day

‘Boxing Day is a day that I box up all my troubles into labelled boxes and place them onto a shelf marked strictly for my attention. Doing this helps me to reduce any tension created during 2015 and it helps me to create an anticipated intention for 2016 through full intervention and comprehension.’

A very good morning to you Dear Friends. Welcome to Boxing Day, the day after Christmas Day. Although the traditional sense of Boxing Day is noted I look upon it as a day of reckoning. I look at the advent of a New Year around the corner and weigh my situation. Am I in all sorts of problems and if so what are they? Living with the same problems for a long time makes us sometimes ignore them and therefore allow them to grow and grow and take over our senses. To overcome this what I normally do is weigh up my existing problems accrued over the last 360 days and look to resolve them with the seriousness that it deserves. I gather boxes from my Christmas presents and label them with my problems irrespective of what they are. We all know that problems come in all shapes and sizes therefore we need to look at them constructively, equally and methodically. If I have a credit card debt I need to create a box labelled ‘Credit Card Debts’. I then gather all my statements including my annual statement and put them into this box. If I have problems with my car I create a box labelled ‘Car Problems’. In this box I include my MOT certificate, servicing date and trade-in value and any other problems related to my car during 2015. Last year I had a total of 10 boxes pertaining to problems that I accrued during 2014. Once placed on a shelf that is visible on a daily basis I am immediately aroused to be either tackled or shackled. The tackling process enables me to challenge my problem. I see it in front of me for the next 5 days and I am aroused to resolve my problems. There are two obvious choices for me. I can ignore the problem or I can explore the problem. Ignoring the problems leads to the inevitable and that is an accumulation of my troubles into 2016. Exploring the problem on the other hand enables me to take action or seek assistance. If the roof is leaking the scope of the repair is obviously beyond me therefore I need professional assistance. The shackling process is the converse. The shackling process makes me become handcuffed to my problem for the next 365 days or more. I ignore it although I am aware of it and let it take its course. This can lead to nowhere. Interest rates on credit and store cards for example are quite overwhelming. I could spend years trying to clear my debt and still owe the capital amount. I must look to resolve and then later absolve. This is something I urge you to consider as well. Don’t leave problems dangling in the air. Take a firm grip on them. To every problem there is a solution. Place each problem into a box and label them. Into each box put every vital information pertaining to your problem into it and then close and place on a shelf. Let the label of the box face you. Look at your problems daily for the next 5 days and create the urge to get them resolved.  Don’t carry unresolved problems into 2016. 2015 will soon be over so please deal with issues related to 2015 immediately. If it is a problem, it may take time to resolve but you need to initiate an action plan. Make all your action plans doable. If you need help find it. Help is always there. Some problems require professional assistance whilst other problems could be done at home with your spouse or partner. Do it, don’t lose it. Do it, don’t let it accrue. Do it, redo it and then renew it. Do it to pursue it. Make 2016 count. Have a wonderful Boxing Day and remember to box up all your troubles on the double, clearly labelled and clearly visible.

Friday, 25 December 2015

Christmas Day

Christmas Day

Quote of the day

‘Christmas signifies the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and it signifies the birth of a new beginning for humanity amongst billions of people across the world. Christmas is a Universal Celebration that not only brings twinkles of renewed hope to every home but creates the biggest twinkling of hope in the skies.’

A very, very Merry Christmas to ALL my friends and families across the globe. I wish you joy and happiness like never before. May the Good LORD shower you with HIS choicest blessings and help to create a new beginning for you. May your heart be filled with joy, happiness, a feeling of ecstasy and a culmination of togetherness. May the angels sprinkle STARDUST in your home and fill the dark portals of your trouble zones with hope and glorification. I wish you well in the spirit of Christmas. Christmas is the only holiday in the world where brotherhood is united in a magical way. It is where children beam with radiance and where Santa fulfils their dreams. Today I want to say thank you for all your support since 2011 when I first started tweeting across the globe. I will continue to do this for the rest of my life, to brighten your day and to fill your despair with hope. I am grateful to Almighty GOD who has given me the key to renewed success and to allow me to access the archives of The Universe. From this new founded knowledge, I meet each new day with a new vision, a vision of renewed hope and a life of defined precision. I hope and pray that your home will also embrace Christmas with the spirit of hope to cope and the spirit of happiness to bring everyone together forever. Let us enter a new era with the least amounts of dilemmas and let us move forward by enjoying every second of life available to us. A very, very Merry Christmas to all of you from the bottom of my heart. Have a wonderful and festive weekend.

Thursday, 24 December 2015



Quote of the day

‘One of the most important goals for a New Year which is by far the most actively sought out goal is your wellness. Wellness is the human business of maintaining lifelong fitness.’

Welcome to Christmas Eve, how wonderful it is to embrace an auspicious day with such noted merriment. Thank you sincerely for finding the time to log onto your favourite Inspirational Channel despite your busy day. Today I quickly want to talk about your wellness and the science behind it. I think it is a goal that you should pursue in 2016. It is a goal that brings happiness to your home and it is a goal that is the least expensive to subdue in the New year. Goals do come in all shapes and sizes and can cost the Earth. Yet, the least expensive goal which pertains to your overall wellness is the primary goal that enables you to achieve all your other goals. With wellness you can become full of goodness, not that you are already good. What I am referring to is goodness all the time, 24/7. Goodness is kindness and it is righteousness. It is about being kind to all but more importantly to yourself. From these foundation qualities comes forth your righteousness. A righteous person always walks the plains of the Earth in noted strides of decency and honesty. They are not swayed by meaningless gossip or idle threats. They are focussed and they get on with the job in hand. With wellness you can maintain lifelong fitness. Fitness can be classified as a person’s robustness. A fit person is a person that creates the perfect kit to survive daily traumas. With these qualities in hand you can move mountains, you can command almost anything and you can demand virtually anything. You can command a lifestyle befitting to your very needs and you can demand the best in life not just for the moment or for the day but throughout your life. Wellness achieves everything your heart desires. Most of us make the common mistake by putting the cart before the horse. We tend to focus on materialistic acquisitions rather than our well-being.

Previous Quote

‘Health creates wealth but wealth cannot create health.’

Dear Friends put your well-being at the top of your wish list. It is the least expensive commitment. You don’t need any money to achieve a good physique. You just need to allocate a time during the day to partake in a schedule exercise routine. Manufacture a process to make your body, soul and mind more refined and renewed for the New Year. I use the word manufacture because we are all different, in age, in size, in height, in culture and in personal interests. Therefore, you need to manufacture or assemble a regime that meets your requirement. I am here to help you choose the right regime and to guide onto a more successful and longer life on planet Earth. That is my lifetime commitment. Have a wonderful Christmas Eve. Go well, be well, do well, think well, dream well, write well, act well, appear well, speak well, remember well, pray exceptionally well, greet well, play well, rest well and work well. The wellness of your heart lies in all of these attributes.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

The Richest Person in the world

The Richest Person in the world

Quote of the day

‘Congratulations, for today I award you with the accolade of being the richest person in the world. Your presence on our planet is something that we are grateful for. Your beauty is something that we are inspired by. Your contribution is something that we admire and your love is something we shall always remember you by.’

A festive and cheerful welcome to you, Dear Friends the makers of friendship and the carriers of hope. Today Forbes lists the 50 wealthiest men and women of the world but they forgot to mention you and I. They omitted the value of every underprivileged human being, but placed all over privileged people on top of the Christmas Tree. Today I want to tell you quite openly and verily too that your life is worth more than $79 billion. Your presence has a value that is equivalent to the twinkling of a distant star. Your contributions thus far outweigh the gold in hidden vaults around the world. Your kindness, gentleness and thoughtfulness is admired by our Heavenly Father who awaits to reward you in heaven. Dear Friends, for those of you that are struggling, do not worry for a struggling soul is always a loving soul that touches others with feelings. To overcome your struggle is easy. Oppression was once overcome with progression. Depression was once overcome with impression. Suppression was once overcome with expression. Repression was once overcome with discretion. Dear Friends, for those of you that are homeless I tell you today that tomorrow holds a wonderful light that shines upon you with hope and fortitude. Homelessness can be overcome with wholesomeness. Hopelessness can be overcome by consciousness. Abuse can be crushed with refuse. Violence can be stopped with nonviolence. Hunger can be filled with wonder that will always make you stronger. Divorce can be reversed without force but with a little remorse. War can be mended with constant adore. Poverty can be overturned with glory. Extinction can become a vision of distinction rather than an infliction by destruction. Yes, Dear Friends whatever your pain or sorrow is it can be polarised. For pain makes you achieve the ultimate gain and live a life without strain. Sorrow can make tomorrow grow into a new dimension of happiness and joy. It is up to you to believe in you rather than in them. Dear Friends, I want to hold your hand firmly and tell you that you are indeed the richest person in the world. You are a billionaire at heart and will always be. With such value you can polarise negatives into positives. You can turn sadness into happiness. You have the appendages to create and the mind to actuate. You have the time to climb the ladder of success and the time to enjoy it. You have the access to knowledge and the ability to turn it into wisdom. You have the power to care, share and remain fair. You have the inner strength to turn dreams into reality and the outer strength to make a difference to the world. Fill your Christmas socks with hope and fill your home with the values of life and the beauty of The Creation. Speak to those that need help, and tell them that help is here. Give a little and you will get a lot. Share your values to those that have lost their values. Carry the burden of lost souls for one day they will be there for you. It hurts to feel the rain upon your shoulders but it does not hurt if you are thirsty. Live your bountiful life without hesitation. Don’t count your pennies on Earth for they have no value. Await with patience and receive your pennies from heaven that has the greatest value. Start 2016 with a new vision based on some revision of 2015. What went wrong is what you need to ask. How can you put it right is what you need to do? Don’t walk the plank as a debtor, but walk the Earth as a better person that inherits the will to live and the skill to survive. Greet 2016 with hope. Meet your adversaries with anticipation. Beat the negatives with positives. Treat the meek and weak by being sweet. Unleash the wealth in your heart and give some away to those that have forgotten their role or their soul.  Are you ready to be anointed with the coveted award of the wealthiest individual on our planet? If so, you are then ready to take on 2016 with courage from above. My heartiest wishes to you for a humble end to 2015. Go well, be well, live well and always remember to dream well. Thank you for being here today because I know that you care for yourself.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Golden Goals – Holiday Destinations

Golden Goals – Holiday Destinations

Quote of the day

‘Creating a goal is not limited to writing a word or several words down but rather a laborious process of exploring this word or words to create a viable vision and an agenda to implement it.’

A gracious welcome to the 22nd of December 2015 from rather a wet, windy and cold London Town. How are you today? It is wonderful to grace your presence on our Inspirational Channel. As much as it is your channel it is equally mine. Why? I am human being no different to you. I need Inspiration as well and I experience the same ups and downs in life as you. When something or someone troubles me I search the archives of Universally Friendly and read a pertinent article to help me. In the archives of Universally there are over 1700 Articles, 1700 Quotes, 110 Inspirational Videos, 40 Books and other related material and this is growing by the day. It is a service I provide for my Readers and Friends from all over the world. Trouble sadly looms in the corridors of every town, city or country and like a burst of thunder it can come upon you at any time. What should you do when troubles pounces on you unexpectedly or when old flames follow you into the New Year. You need to access the archives of Universally Friendly and act like a RAT. The RAT Reacts to a problem, then Attracts a solution and finally Transacts a plan of action. This is something you should implement as well. As a RAT I follow a simple process called CITE which works for me. CITE stands for Concentration, Information, Transcription and Education. If something or someone troubles me I stop all my concurrent actions and concentrate on my problem. I Concentrate on my problem and then look for Information pertinent to my problem or query and follow this with a written Transcription. What follows after this is Education. Let us look at an example. I need to go on a holiday in April next year and therefore created a Golden Goal for 2016. The holiday destination is New York. The holiday destination could be different for you or it could be the same. How do I achieve the results that I need? How do I tackle problems of varying magnitudes? I need to Concentrate. I need to think of my problem? In this case where do I want to go to? What is my budget? Will I be travelling alone? How long can I go for? The next step is Information. I have not been to New York before therefore I need to get information about this city. Information gives me text and visuals. Text is written knowledge; vision is moving Inspiration. Briefly I gather that New York is the situated at the mouth of the Hudson River and is the largest city in the USA and is made up of 5 boroughs, Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island. Visuals are important because they are worth more than words. Footage is even better. Gaining such knowledge motivates you. Key attractions of NYC are The Statue of Liberty, Time Square, Central Park, The Empire State Building, the 911 Memorial & the Ground Zero Walking Tour, Museums such as The Whitney Museum of American Art and The American Museum of Natural History. Other attractions include The World Trade Centre, Madison Square Gardens, The Rockefeller Centre and Macy's. What follows next is my Transcription. A brief itinerary of my stay based on my affordability and availability.  The next stage is the learning stage called Education. NYC is a new city for me to explore. In other words, I need to learn the ropes. I need to exercise caution to avoid pickpockets or muggers. I need to learn to live in anticipation and follow the right steps rather than the wrong ones. I am investing my time and my money to have a golden goal come true, I cannot walk into something that will spoil my memories. Using power words will help you achieve your goals, overcome your problems and allow a smoother journey during your transition. In summary whatever your problem is try using the CITE formula by switching New York with your problem. So if your destination is Cape Town switch New York with Cape Town. We will look into the CITE formula and the concept of the RAT in greater detail later on. Don’t forget when trouble looms in the corridors of your life access the archives of Universally Friendly and get your problems resolved.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

Quote of the day

‘To create Festive Happiness we need to bring out the child in us and create an imaginary Utopia of delicate beauty inscribed with our own etiquette and draped in magical charm. It is a Wonderland where Santa is alive and where the reindeers fly and where snowmen walk in the air.’

Welcome to the 1st day of a new week filled with festivity and togetherness. It is good to have you on-board. Six months ago we started a cruise of inspiration lasting for a total six months. Now we are just 10 days away to our final destination – and that is 2016. If you are a new follower you can catch up with key inspirational articles at any time by logging onto my blogs or other social media. I have all my inspirational videos on HD1080 which you can access at any time. This is available on my YouTube channel. There is also a free App for you to upload whereupon you can access your daily Quotes whilst on the move. 2016 is going to be good for us all, I can feel it in my bones. We just need to believe before we can achieve. Today I want us to believe in our own imagination and use our imagination to create our own personal festive Happiness called Winter Wonderland. We need to bring out the child in us and create an imaginary Utopia of delicate beauty inscribed with our own etiquette draped in a magical charm that brings everlasting memories. A Never-Neverland is something very personal designed by you in kaleidoscope of joy and happiness. It is something that we should set a mould or a trend and follow on for years to come. We need to create magical moments indoors and let the magic flow outdoors to touch the hearts of sadness that dwells in the corridors of confusion. Everyone is unique and can create a fantasy world to celebrate. You don’t have to be financially well off to be happy. You don’t have to be young to be happy. Happiness is a pleasure bestowed upon us all, we just need to unleash it. That process comes from within. What you make of today comes from within you. If you want a day of pleasure and happiness, then you need to carve a pattern in your mind that delivers the goods. Creating a Winter Wonderland where Santa is alive and where the reindeers fly and where snowmen walk in the air is something personal. However, what it brings home is the special happiness needed to make all the difference. A difference that lasts a lifetime. A difference that brings families together. A difference that can start a New Year in a positive way. A difference that can add years to your life. A difference that is so blessed and divine. Dear Friends, I want you to create magical moments by carving the best meal of the day, by harvesting fond memories, by serving happiness and joy to the plates and palates of the ones you love and by charming your partners for all their gallant efforts in 2015. The drapery you use must be personal. You need to find the time to make things different. Your efforts will always be rewarded. You need to partake, you need to be awake, you need to make, you need to avoid unnecessary mistakes and you need to intake with appreciation. It is very much like a jigsaw puzzle. You need to put all the pieces together to compliment the event. No stones should be left unturned. Give it your full 100% commitment and you will be guaranteed to receive 100% joy and happiness.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Use The Creation to be Creative

The Creation

Quote of the day

‘Use The Creation to create a New Year for you, flamboyant in appearance, buoyant in your attitude, clairvoyant to a new day, vibrant with passion and desire, poignant to life’s tragedies and compliant to rules and regulations.’

Welcome to the last Sunday before Christmas. Before you know it Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day will be all over. A segment of importance in your life will be gone forever holding only memories that could be ideally good or regretfully bad. Therefore, I urge you to appreciate every single day of your life and enjoy it to the fullest. I want you to create memories that last for a lifetime. A memorial day a year is good such as Christmas Day but 365 days of fond memories is even better. Today I want to talk about The Creation and how you can use The Creation to create a better year for you in 2016. Planets orbit in precision, our Sun a luminous celestial body keeps to its promise, stars glitter and plants and animals work laboriously daily. From this you can see an obvious source of Inspiration which our forefather in Adam explored every day and every night. He had a panoramic view of The Universe as he watched in awe and he had the willingness and keenness to learn. Knowledge was something he gained so unselfishly and wisdom was something he passed on so admirably.  Yesterday I said that we should be thankful for the people that work behind the scenes to make the Christmas weekend a merry and joyous affair. Today I want to thank Almighty GOD for making life possible every single day and giving us the inspiration to live and love. Yes, creativity for the New Year comes from above where life has its source. Look above, below and beneath and you will find inspiration. Look above in the distant and you will Divine Engineering at its best.  Look at planets and you are looking at colossal bodies moving at colossal speeds without collision or collusion. Look at the stars as beacons of communications, each star allocated to a particular household. Speak to the heavens above and they will speak back to you. Ask for help and help shall come streaming to you. Be flamboyant in your appearance for you are unique and let your uniqueness capture the attention of everyone in 2016. Be buoyant in your attitude by remaining firm when adversaries come your way or when temptation tries to take control of you. Being a clairvoyant, study patterns and envisage what the next second will be like so at least you will know how to react. Be vibrant in your day, wake up to the sound of chirping birds that whistle a tune of inspiration. Always be poignant to the tragedies that world encounters on a daily basis and look at ways to help, to donate and to offer assistance. Always remain compliant to rules and regulations. If green means go, please continue safely however don’t try to go when the red light is on. Be inspired, and retire at the end of 2016 with the right frame of mind. Let 2017 continue in a similar fashion. Never give up on something that you started with. There is always a reason when something happens. I wish you a wonderful Sunday and as we slowly ebb towards 2016 find Inspiration from The Creation to help you create your golden goals.

Saturday, 19 December 2015



Quote of the day

‘Positivity is the ability of an Individual to keep the mind, body and soul above a certain threshold, that threshold is determined by their own merits. If your threshold is 5 on a scale of 0 to 10, then anything above 5 is a life of sheer Happiness. Anything below 5 is something to be concerned about.’

A welcoming start to the penultimate weekend before the end of the year. Next week is the highly celebrated festive weekend, a bumper treat for all and a long weekend for many. A special thank you for all the people that work behind the scenes to make the Christmas weekend a merry and joyous affair. For this I am extremely grateful. I hope that your plans for a Merry Christmas is in place. It is a grand affair and you should be part of it. What is your Christmas Menu going to be? Is it going to be traditional or are you going to change it? Is it a roast turkey with all the trimmings? How do you prepare a succulent roast? Do you need help? If you do, I will dedicate a special article on Christmas Menus complete with recipes and tips. Just let me know. Credit has to be given to my wife who is the celebrated chef having appeared on radio, cookery schools and as a chef for President Mandela as well. A slight twist to your Menu from her may make all the difference. Today I want to talk about positivity, a substance of genuine energy needed to keep you gliding through the corridors of 2016.  2016 has 365 days like the years that have gone by. Will you take these vital 365 days and filled them with genuine happiness or are you willing to settle for less? I believe that we are all entitled to 365 days of sheer Happiness. However, it is something that you need to understand and prepare for. To achieve such a phenomenal content to your year you need to build confidence in you with an energy stream called positivity. Positivity is a strong source of energy available to all and not just for a selected few. Positivity gives you energy that you never knew that you had. It is vibrant, fill of vitality and the élan to make you happy for life. Without positivity you cannot meet the demands of modern day living. Positivity gives you the edge. Positivity enhances your Happiness. The more positive you are the happier you shall become. This is a fact and you can prove it. Positivity and Happiness are like two peas in a pod. They are similar and they give you the similar feelings. Positivity is energy and so is Happiness. Positivity is a dynamic quality in an individual. Happiness is the result of this. As you strive to seek Happiness your positivity is growing. As your positivity grows your Happiness accumulates. Positivity is more like energetic action. It has the power to make you do things. Happiness is the power to experience and enjoy life under an umbrella of a stress-free and a carefree life. To achieve this cheery lifestyle, you first need to be positive, and as you build up your positivity your energy levels change. To draw an analogy let us look at what happens when you turn on the ignition in a car. Like a car we all have energy reserves stored in our body like fuel in a tank. However, that fuel or energy has no effect until we combust it. In other words, in prescribed measures we need to ignite fuel with air to create a measured combustion in a cylinder. Positivity is the confidence needed to take energy reserves within you and combust them in a physiochemical process to perform work. These energy reserves are important. Like a car you need the right fuel. Like a body you need the right energy reserves which comes from good foods. Lethargic and apathetic feelings come from poor foods that do you no good. This is the opposite of positivity. It’s called negativity. Many a car will sit idle on the road or in the service bay until we get it right. The procedure is the same all over the world - Service, Tune and Top-up. Likewise, we need to do the same.  Service, Tune and Top-Up. Service, Tune and Top-Up is an article on its own and will follow in a few days. Once the car is roadworthy the car goes at your command. Once you achieve your tasks for the day you actually create an inner joy called Happiness. This is the Two peas in a POD that I am referring to, Positivity and Happiness.  You cannot achieve Happiness without Positivity and neither can you be Positive without wanting Happiness. I wish you a positive and happy weekend. Carry the strength and the dynamism of positivity in your heart and watch how your happiness grows and grows like a tree that will never stop growing until you chop it down and burn it in a fiery furnace.

Friday, 18 December 2015

The Beauty and the Beast

The Beauty and the Beast

Quote of the day

‘Everything is beautiful including you. Nothing is ugly including the beast. 8.7 million species of life create beauty that tingles with sensation when viewed in awe. We create ugliness that mingles with aggravation in a crowd of 7 billion.’

Welcome to Friday Dear Friends, the last Friday before a heart-warming welcome to Christmas Day when I shall greet you with the greatest joy. Joy is more pronounced when there is beauty. Can there be joy when there is ugliness right in front of you. You can create beauty and you can create ugliness. Beauty will make your life more enriched. Ugliness will switch you to become bewitched. Beauty is loveliness exposed artistically below the seas and above the clouds creating a filling of grandeur and splendour like a fairyland without an ending. Beauty attracts souls from the North Pole in the Artic Region down to the South Pole in the Antarctica Region. Beauty triggers you to create those wonderful goals which I classify as Golden Goals. Beauty is pretty in you, in the flowers that colour the landscape and in the animals that till the crust of the Earth. Beauty is splendour in all its glorification and is a replica of how the Heavens above look. For those that are impatient to see the glory of Heaven we must look into our little Heaven on Earth. Beauty is sheer magnificence, draped in elegance in you, in her, in him, in them and in all 7 billion of wonderful souls that take occupation of our planet. Beauty is grandeur of infinite proportions with a vast colour spectrum and a geometry of incredible shapes and sizes. Beauty is radiance like purple raindrops falling onto the ocean floor behind a radiant Sun that suns to create life. Beauty impresses and therefore has become the matchmaker of generations of people, plants and animals to come. Ugliness does not exist for the beast is often misinterpreted and placed in a cage of confusion, illusion and seclusion. Everything is beautiful from unicellular organisms to multi-organisms that roam the Earth in 2, 4 or more legs. Ugliness is something that we create. The violence around the world is created by us not by the skunk, the lion or the serpent. The cruelty to animals is by our own hands, our total neglect and our brutal selfishness from poachers to cockroaches the world over. The evil that cripples the world is by our own doing for we are always given a choice but are lured to make the wrong choice. Start with a new mind-set to change tomorrow and the day after. Look at beauty in everything especially in yourself. What is ugly is what you created in your mind. You need to change it and create a picture of beauty. Do this constantly and watch how 2016 will start changing for the better in you, in him, in them and for every individual that paces the crust of the planet Earth. I wish you a beautiful day and may you be impressed with the beauty within you and the beauty around you. May you see the glitter in the sky and if there is some litter in front of you please pick it up. May you touch the tenderness of the petal but try and avoid the sting of the nettle. May you not judge someone by their appearance but rather admire them for their forbearance. Anything that is good will always be beautiful therefore look to be good, try to be good and always exercise goodness in your heart.

Thursday, 17 December 2015

The Awakening

The Awakening

Quote of the day

‘Every day is a new day for me in terms of personal development, growth, recognition and realisation. I call these experiences The Awakening.’

A tumultuous welcome to the 17th day of December 2015. With just 14 days or two weeks away from the birth of a New Year, I feel so invigorated. I hope and pray that you have a similar feeling too because a change in 2016 for the better is something we must strive for. Today I want to talk about the experiences of The Awakening. It is something that we may not be aware of but it is here and we need to recognise it. The Awakening is a daily experience of personal growth and development. It is the entrance into one door that opens with new dimensions and the exit of an old door that closes with discovered dimensions. You cannot tell exactly what will become of tomorrow. Certain things are within your control but the bulk of activities that occurs on our planet is out of your control. The only real measure you can take is to plan and live with great anticipation, we spoke about this previously. What actually happens by the end of tomorrow or another day? We know that we will get old by a day. We know that if we follow a series of well-orchestrated tasks there is a good chance that we will accomplish and fulfil them. There is another thing that happens and that is we become more learned. We become more experienced and more matured.  There is also growth in our hair and in our nails. There is growth in bones too for the young and deterioration of bones in the old. There is cell replication and cell multiplication in every living organism. The physiology of our body changes too but the changes are minute.  Ignorance becomes knowledge and knowledge changes to wisdom. For the wise ones there is realisation. Every day holds a mystique of understanding, Realisation makes sense of it and maturity takes hold of it. This is the direction for you to take. You need to recognise the changes within you and the changes around you. You need to be constantly clean and preen. You need to prune the overgrowth and be immune to the antigrowth. You need to have the yearn to learn, the will to be concern and the spirit to do a good turn. You need to feed the bone that keeps you in tone, you need to learn to be on your own and of course try to stop the moan and the constant groan. You need to start your day with a list and end it with a checklist. Your list must contain manageable tasks and your checklist must contain completed tasks. You must learn to be RIPE each day. RIPE stands for Resistant, Insistent, Persistent and full of Existence. This is the concept of the Awakening. It is the ability to fill your day with enrichment and end it with noted improvement and development. This makes today complete, fulfilled and accomplished. As a sole custodian of your domain you move onto tomorrow with the same mind-set but more matured and more equipped to deal with the adversities of life. Closing the door to one day in your life should open a new door to better opportunities the next day. This makes your life more enriched and filled with the pleasure and joy of serving. To serve is to exist with the right intent. To serve is to be a COP, something we spoke about before. COPs stands for Conserving, Observing and Preserving. Enrich your life with the fondness to expand your knowledge and turn it into wisdom. Pass on your wisdom to others in the most unselfish way. In the sequence of your daily life surmounting to 36,500 days you will notice incredible changes, as you adapt to these changes only then will you see a difference in your life. Let The Awakening be the marvel of your life, your career and your credentials. Let the world see you as the greatest symbol of humanity.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Turn Wrongs into Rights

Turn Wrongs into Rights

Quote of the day

‘What is wrong must be put right. You need to tie up any loose ends and fix the open cracks before your world comes tumbling down.’

Welcome to midweek Dear Friends. It is a real pleasure to grace your presence on this Channel of pure Inspiration. We have reached the pivotal point of December. What follows in the next 15 days can change your life for the better or for the worse, regretfully. I always maintain what I say, in other words I do not write something and then change it. What I write to you is something that I will stand by for the rest of my life. If it changes my life then it will reciprocally change yours, and that’s guaranteed.

Previous Quote

‘Nothing will go wrong if you do the right things. Conversely nothing will be right if you do the wrong things.’

I stand by this. If something is wrong, I must first find out what went wrong and then follow this by putting it right. This can be something trivial or something rather crucial. Whatever it is it can have a small or huge impact on your life. When something is not right in your life do you investigate the details of your dilemma? Do you look to investigate or do your look to aggravate? This is important because you obviously would want to put it RIGHT. How? Finding the HOW can be expensive because the market is filled with the wrong innuendos. The answer is simple. It is simple but sequential, in other words don’t put the cart before the horse. To do this effectively we shall use the word RIGHT as an acronym to help us overcome our dilemma or a series of dilemmas, however let us focus on just one dilemma at a time. The word RIGHT stands for Review, Investigate, Gather, Happy and Try. This is how you sequentially get it right. Firstly, you need to Review your problem. In other words, you need to evaluate what went wrong. Are you overdrawn on your credit card? Are you experiencing difficulties in breathing? Do you lack confidence in whatever you do? The next step is to Investigate. Investigation is crucial time-off from your daily agenda. It is time to inspect such as your credit card statements. It is a time to examine your BMI. It is a time to study an area where clarity is needed. It is a time to consider an alternative. Investigation then leads to Gathering like a harvester that gathers crops. Can a farmer gather mediocre products to pass on to the consumer? You reap what you sow. Your input will always equal to your output. You are the results of your actions. In The Modern Day Trilogy, I state openly that ‘I am thee and not of them.’ I am not referring to me but to all of us. In other words, ‘We are thee and not of the them.’ What this means is that the righteous ones will always do the right things. The unrighteous ones will always do the wrongs things. Before you do something you must Review, Investigate and Gather. The next step is the Happy step. Are you Happy to proceed? Are you ready to take on the next second in your life? Remember in the last second you were free, free from harm, free from debt and free from persecution. Are you Happy to take on the next second? You can only be Happy if you Reviewed, Investigated and Gathered the right information. The final step Dear Friends is to Try before you buy or commit. To try something is like having a taster. You see this quite often in Supermarkets. You can try and if you like it you can buy it.  So, even though you did your RIG, (Review, Investigate & Gather) and you are happy to proceed there is no need to commit. This is your right. Have a wonderful midweek, Dear Friends. Keep looking and you will find. Keep smiling and you will eventually laugh. Keep talking and you will gather friendship. Keep fit and you will never quit. Be positive and you will never remember what it is like to be negative. Be contented and you will never be tormented. Be kind and everything in your life will be aligned, refined and more clearly defined. Be generous and you make a tremendous difference. Be warm to people and they will swarm towards you in friendship and harmony. You don’t have to try these things but as for the others things in life give it a try first!