Saturday, 30 April 2016

Goodbye to April

    Goodbye to April

 ‘April 2016 had over 2016 reasons to create a sparkle in you to ignite your passion and desire, a twinkle in your heart to make you glow in the darkness of your life and a sprinkle of stardust in your imagination to create those wonderful dreams.’

It is a very sad experience for me to say farewell to another month in my life. To me April 2016 has been a wonderful experience I have learnt so much, indigested the right nutrients, digested new interpretations, tested the right exercises and requested the right solutions to my problems. For this reason, I chose the five most popular Quotes of April 2016, as voted by you and put them together to make more sense for you.

Quote Number 1 - ‘Capturing the Stillness of life makes you realise the realness of life. Stills creates thrills. It incites you to do similar and to become uniquely familiar.

Yes, Dear Friends we do need to be incited to do the right things in life. Doing the right things only strengthens your ability to become successful.

Quote Number 2: ‘Success does not come on a silver platter. It is built on a strong foundation and each segment of one’s personal success is built brick by brick. Failure always lures you to the overnight expectancies like a windfall or a miraculous financial discovery. It is built without a foundation and each segment of failure stands vulnerable. Complete failure occurs when all the bricks in the scheme come tumbling down.’

Dear Friends, if you continue to perform your duties correctly nothing will go wrong. You have to learn to be patient and develop a sense of endurance.

Quote Number 3: ‘Life is such a wonderful experience. Life Is Fun & Exciting. It is Fun because it is enjoyable and pleasurable. It is Exciting because it is stimulating, motivating, inspiring and electrifying. I am deeply honoured to be part of the chemistry of life.’

Dear Friends, if you understand the purpose to life then everything will easily slot into place.
Life is a precious gift bestowed upon, live and enjoy it.

Quote Number 4: ‘There is only one direction to succeed, it is very much like paddling downstream rather than upstream. It is very much like moving with the crowd rather than against them. It is very much like following a set of instructions rather than a set of destruction.’

Dear Friends, there is no need to reinvent the wheel to succeed in life. You just need mentoring, support and coaching. I called this the MSC approach to succeed. More about this in May 2016.

Quote Number 5: ‘The PEN Effect is the official 21st Century strategy to Succeed. The PEN Effect takes into account three Powers, each power needs to be used equally, strategically and legally. P Stands for the Pound in your pocket, E stands for Energy to perform assigned Exercises and N stands for Nutrition to power your ideology.

When your back is against the wall always apply the PEN Effect. It is an effective strategy to overcome your dilemmas. Later on you will discover that the purpose of your life outweighs the value of the pound in your pocket. Lose a pound and you will still be here to manufacture another pound. Ignore the purpose of your life and you shall eventually be no more. I hope and pray that you have enjoyed every minute of April 2016. Always value every second in your life. Have a great weekend.

Friday, 29 April 2016

Workable Goals Vs Unworkable Goals

Workable Goals Vs Unworkable Goals

Quote of the day

‘The real difference between a workable goal and an unworkable goal is that one is doable where passion and desire is at a summit whilst the other is undoable where passion and desire is always at a trough or did not really exist in the first place.’

Welcome to the last working day of April 2016. Yesterday’s tweets must have alarmed you. It was very terse, lacked the usual verse and it seemed more like the converse of inspiration meaning it was rather disincentive. To the contrary, it was actually a prose of contrasting character that certainly made me think of my goals. It made me think of the following. Did I achieve my goals? Did I perceive my goals as they manifested into something real? Did I believe that I had the ability to accomplish them? It would appear that we all make the common mistake at the end of a year and that is to create goals. We tend to assume the responsibility of a goal without understanding its true ramifications. Every goal in life is attached to a responsibility. It requires determination, sacrifice, commitment and dedication. Goals are generally derived from a need, a desire or a passion. Without such a drive goals can slowly fizzle away. This is why I said yesterday, always step into a shoe that fits. Goals need to be realistic. You cannot become a grand slam winner at the age of 50 but you certainly can become very proficient at tennis. You cannot lose weight overnight. A good and recommended dietary plan can allow you to lose weight effectively rated at around 2kg per week. When creating goals, you need to start off with a dream. A dream is like a test drive of a goal.  When you awake you generally have an elated feeling, such a feeling drives you to pursue a goal. Your life is a precious gift bestowed upon you equated to 100 years or 86,400 seconds per day. How you manage your time on planet earth will generally surmise whether your goals will materialise or not. An unselfish goal will always materialise because it is energised with passion and desire. Use your weekend ahead of you to determine whether your goals are workable or unworkable. Focus on the workable goals and shelf the unworkable ones for later. When there is a valued need you can always review then. Doing this assessment of your goals will help you to achieve more rather than less. I wish you a wonderful weekend. Use it to say farewell to a bubbly month in April and also welcome the month of May into life.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Step into the shoe that fits

Step into the shoe that fits

Quote of the day

‘Building an incredible portfolio of goals based on our ideal dreams can only become tangible if we can meet up to the expectations of these goals. Sometimes we take on more than we can chew, sometimes we step into the wrong shoe and on some occasions we tend to fantasise rather than actualise.’

Welcome to Thursday, the 28th of April 2016. It is the 108th day of 2016. Did your goals materialise as per your expectations? To succeed in life, you need to live with no regrets, become less upset and avoid the possible threat from your rivals. You need to be reminded not to step into the shoe that doesn’t fit you. If you do some of your goals may not materialise.  This is not what you want in life. Your life is a precious gift bestowed upon you. As a result, the management of your time is paramount.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016



Quote of the day

‘Deliverance is the pronounced act of releasing you from your daily inhibitions. It is your rescue formula that works and your freedom to a life of happiness and joy that only dreams are made up of.’

Welcome to midweek, the last one in a series of breathtakingly good inspirational material from the writing desk of Anthony Pan. Do you often sit handcuffed to your chair feeling captured by the constraints of your life? A married individual often spends relentless hours regretting why they got married in the first place. A person in debt will cry, sigh and terrify over their accumulated debts to a point where there are no solutions but endless prosecutions. A student will sit in remorse over their grades trying to figure out why they did not study hard enough. A person that is ill will only find solace in a pill making them feel their life will always be uphill rather than downhill. These inhibitions will always change your position, your condition, your decision and your composition. I say onto you and verily too, stop the trauma and seek deliverance. Think of the before state, think of the after state and deal with the now state. In the before state the problem did not exist. Life was good and you were not under stress. You walked the foothills of joy and happiness. In the after state the problem disappeared. Life became good again. Stress was overcome by a transverse process which I call Progress. The now state is to seek deliverance. Every problem as I openly stated is divisible by a defined solution. Deliverance is about overcoming ambivalence. To do this effectively we need to journey into the past when the problem did not exist. We need to understand what it feels like to be without a problem. A problem free life is full of zest. You have time to smell the flowers, whistle with the birds and talk to yourself about tomorrow and the day after. You need to apply the Transverse Process which I call Progress. It is a process where you go back in time to retrieve lost time. It is a process where you go forward in time to appreciate time. It is about mind over matter. It is about your mind settling the matter in concern. It is about the matter in concern dissolving the tension in progress. Deliverance is the pronounced act of releasing you from your daily inhibitions. A detailed account will follow soon. Tweets have their limitations. Articles have their applications. Inspirational Videos have their Expectations. I will try my very best to include as much as I can in the limitations of social media. If you need extended articles just let me know.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016



Quote of the day

‘Power can best be described as your personal competence to perform a particular workload. It is equated to your individual strength which can vary and it determines how well you perform in any aspect of your life.’

Greetings and salutations to yet another wonderful day in a wonderful month. It may be a tad cold but always remember that your life is as gold, as a marigold. 

Power in your life shines like the petal on a marigold flower, glistening in the early hours of the morning dew. Bees, butterflies and birds can see it from a distance. As it gives it also receives. It has power and so do you. Yesterday we spoke about courage. It is easy to say be courageous at the worst of times but you need to know how to ignite the power in you first. Power is something that you need to develop, to accrue and to allow it to manifest. What cannot be done today can always be achieved later on because if you lack the power you need to develop it first. Very much like a weightlifter extra power is always needed to lift an extra kilo. Your mind and your body needs to work together. We spoke about nutrition and exercise recently. Eating the right foods helps and exercising in the right way helps too. I learnt the hard way to identify and eat the right foods. As an example I know that I need to eat extra fibre to maintain my strength. The general and accepted formula is to consume 15g of fibre for every 1000 calories eaten. You need to understand the chemistry of your foods. This allows you to assimilate power in the right way. Exercising is essential, however you need someone to train you and this is why I recommended those series of exercises for you to choose. Each exercise DVD comes with your own personal trainer to guide you to fortify power in your muscles in the right way. With the right power you can overcome any obstacle in your life. You can move a difficult situation into a different quadrant of your life. You can remove a financial obstacle with confidence. You can prove that you have the ability to overcome your fear. You can approve something before committing to it or you can disapprove something without been pressured to commit to it. Power enables you do this. Power is personal. You are the user of your personal power. You can build on your power using the right nutritional and exercise methods as I have outlined and you can use power in the way it suits you. What one person does may not necessarily be suitable for another person. Therefore, you don’t need to have a body like Arnold or Sly. You just need to be you, healthy, happy and competent. This is your life. Your life is a precious gift. It has power to do amazing things. It has the power to accomplish and fulfil. It has the power to endure. Do it, be it, say it, have it, love it, enjoy it, give it, embrace it, caress it, increase it and share it. This is your life from start to finish.

Monday, 25 April 2016



Quote of the day

‘Courage Overcomes Unexpected Results Achieved by Greedy Entrepreneurs.’

Welcome to the 1st day of a new and final working week in April 2016. Sorry about the late tweets. Courage is often needed to overcome unexpected results often achieved by greedy individuals. Yesterday BHS announced that they may go into administration with debts over £1.3 billion including pension deficits. Placing reliance on man once again can have devastating consequences if you are not careful, prepared and courageous. Courage is your mental strength to overcome a sudden impact made on your life. It is the ability to overcome danger that can be financially crippling, mentally depressing and physically debilitating. It remains your moral strength to overcome your fear of something which you have not prepared for or have been given advanced notice of. In the last decade there has been numerous redundancies as a result of businesses foreclosing. People with skills and years of dedication, devotion and loyalty have been left stranded in the pothole of financial collapse. Today I want to tell you that you must live in anticipation of tomorrow. You must become fully aware of possibilities and impossibilities. You must have plan B in operation, ready to deploy in a state of emergency. Life is about living it to the fullest. Placing reliance on man takes away this undying privilege. You must have the courage to overcome your traumas. Plan B must be as strong as Plan A. Be courageous to move onto a new career. Learn to work from home. Avoid the commute and the peer pressure. Take your existing skills and find ways to diversify. Always remember to remain unselfish. Always remember to remain moral. It is never too late to start again. I am a living example of that. Don’t place reliance on man. Courage is your valour to overcome something sudden. Greedy Individuals will always work steadily for their own gains. Don’t assume that you have a job for life. You have a life of your own and therefore you should have the courage to find the job that befits you. You need to search the Universe for the right recruitment bespoke to your needs, your family security and your happiness. You need a job that gives you warmth, comfort and friendliness. This is something that you will find in the archives of the Universe. Man will find a job for you but it will always be based on the minimum wage, peer pressure and commute misery. If you are an employee of BHS fear not for the Universe needs, you. Start anew and fill the emptiness of your finances with the opulence of the Universe. I wish you a courageous working week and I urge you to always live in anticipation of tomorrow.

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Action on a Sunday

Action on a Sunday

Quote of the day

‘Action is not restricted to the weekdays but also occurs over the weekends. Today I want to talk about Action Sunday or AS. AS fit AS a weekday. AS fit AS ever. AS fit AS life itself. Try AS, you just can’t beat it.’

Welcome to Sunday Dear Friends. It is great and wonderful to have you on board a journey towards positivity and a journey away from negativity. ACTION does speak louder than words but today we are going to use ACTION as a power word to ramify its true importance.

Bonus Quote

‘AS Creates Tranquillity, Inspiration, Opportunity and Niceness, it really does.’

AS does create Tranquillity. It creates it because you are taking action on your own without being pressured to do so. AS creates Inspiration. It really does because you become inspired by your failures as well as your successes. There is no one to criticise you, intimidate you or ridicule you. You look at failure as an attempt and success as something without contempt. AS creates Opportunities that can be breathtakingly good because you are having a go without a bad reaction from someone else. This is pretty cool because you are the only contender in your plight to personal success. If something goes wrong it doesn’t really matter. AS creates Niceness. People that are associated with you on a Sunday find you to be friendlier and likeable. It is so true. Action during the weekdays is different. You are under pressure. You have deadlines and targets. In a nutshell it is quite possible that you may be less friendly and less likeable. Dear Friends, open a new door to excitement on a Sunday. Go out and explore the world of adventure. Today is the London Marathon. Why not take it in your strides to make the most of such a beautiful Sunday. Think AS, AS wonderful AS nature, AS wonderful AS you, AS wonderful AS your friends and family and AS wonderful AS your country.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Enter the rainbow of your dreams

Enter the rainbow of your dreams

Quote of the day

‘Imagine your life as vivid as a sparkling rainbow. At one end of the arc of the rainbow you appeared to the world as a new-born, at the other end of the arc you shall leave your family and friends and make your way to a new destination based on your accreditation. Between the two arcs lies your earthly life. Each of the 7 colours in a rainbow helps you to achieve a positive and happy life on Earth.’

A very good evening to you Dear Friends, thank you ever so much for tuning into your channel of vibrant inspiration. Did you have a good Saturday? I felt that my Saturday reminded me of a sparkling rainbow. The colours of which there are seven each depicted an aspect of my life. I want to share these aspects of my life with you tonight. I always remembered the colours of the rainbow as follows: Roy Of York Goes to Battle In Vain. Therefore, the colours are easily remembered in sequence as Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet respectively. Red reminds me to be healthy, it reminds me to be as red as a rose filled with a pleasant smile, smell and a sense of humour. The sweetness of an Orange reminds me to top up on my vitamin C intake. Vitamin C aids recovery from the common cold and acts as a prevention to chronic diseases. When I think of the colour orange I also associate it with the colour of autumn as the leaves turn into a kaleidoscope of change. Yellow makes me think of diary as most of the produce from a dairy is coloured yellow such as cream, butter and milk. Such a vital source of intake always ensures that I have an adequate supply of calcium in my diet. Yellow also reminds me of the yolk of an egg, ripened bananas and hills of daffodils. Green reminds me of a healthy planet of which I am assigned as a sole custodian of my domain. When I see green I am reminded to go forth and make changes to my life. When I see green I think of nature, vivacity and life. I also think of committed environmentalists like Green Peace. Blue reminds me of the sky and how wonderful life is when the sky is blue. It reminds of how wonderful my life can be too. Blue also reminds me of the river kingfisher, blue sapphire, blueberries, the blue whale and the forget-me-not flower. Indigo reminds me of the diversity of plants and animals such as the lactarius indigo mushroom which has incredible variations of blue. Violet reminds me of the beautiful quartz called amethyst and the auspicious flowering plant called lavender. From Lavender we get lavender oil which may be used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. During my life on Earth I imagine my journey as that of a rainbow. I shine a light to the world reminding them of how important they are. As each light depicts a reminder of beauty, fragrance and diversity I want you to retire tonight knowing that you are beautiful, fragrant and diverse. I want you to sparkle like the rainbow and to send of signals to others that are as endearing as a sparkling rainbow. Use each colour to fill a blank spot in your life to help make it glow. Have an enjoyable and restful evening.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Open Doors

Open Doors

Quote of the day

‘Open doors creates open opportunities for you and for a chain of people that maybe inspired by you. What is unknown becomes the known and what was known becomes the unknown.’

Welcome to Friday, the 22nd of April 2016. We have reached the end of the penultimate working week of April 2016. April 2016 was deemed the month of Activity. It was a vivid process of taking action in an interest, hobby, occupation or goal that you had. To extend this we also looked at ways to overcome problem areas in your life using The PEN Effect. Sadly, problems don’t magically disappear as one would expect it to. It is a physical process that expends energy and time. It is also a learning process because once resolved it would be wise and ideal not to get back into that problem zone again. Just to remind you if you do require a set plan of action to overcome your dilemma always keep this link close to your heart - Open doors do create open opportunities, are you willing to open your unique door to a lifetime of opportunities. You can speculate what is behind closed doors but until you open the door you will never know. To make the unknown, known we need to open the door of opportunity relative to our needs with bravery and determination. The courage to do that comes from your innermost desires and passions. Nothing ventured is nothing gained. ‘Today I walk on air but tomorrow I may float on air’. This was a vision before man could fly and today it became a vision of total reality. A new door called FLIGHT opened and generations of people followed taking to the skies like never before. Today you can open a new door in your life and if you succeed generations of people will follow if you motivate them to. You can become the first explorer to navigate the search bar to destiny and fortune. First you need to know what you are looking for. This is the unknown. Michael Faraday peered through the door of opportunity and wondered why a magnet when moved across a piece of wire will deflect a nearby galvanometer. Through relentless courage and determination Michael created the electric motor that today turns almost every mechanical device. Marconi was aware that he could transmit sound from one place to another. He was determined and he was full of courage. He made the unknown become the known. Today music is encrypted in so many devices just by opening one door of opportunity over a century ago. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls take the first step and open a door of opportunity in your life that is pertinent to your needs. Be courageous and be determined and watch how you will change the course of tomorrow. May I take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Key Principles to Succeed

Key Principles to Succeed

Quote of the day

‘It’s not really rocket science to succeed in life but more of an application towards spiritual science to overcome the traumas of your life. To do this a list of key principles need to be underlined. You cannot disprove these principles because they are spiritual. Keep them with you, in your heart, in your pocket or in your mind. Use them when the need arises.’

Welcome to a splendid day here in good old London Town with an anticipated temperature of 19°C. That is really the sound and silence of Spring. To embrace the beauty of Spring we need to see it, feel it, touch it and hear it. Thank you to all of you that responded to The PEN Effect. Your eBook describing the content of your challenge is on its way to you. If you are struggling in a particular aspect of your life always feel free to request the PEN Effect at any time. It is designed for you. Today I want to talk about Key Principles to Succeed and request that you apply them to your daily tasks as it will help you to alleviate your day.

Key Principle 1

‘Always seek assistance if you experience a setback in your life. Don’t traverse the trail of difficulty on your own.’

Key Principle 2

‘Always find a source or conduit of hope that you can access should you run into difficulties. This source must be genuine, reliable and worthy.’

Key Principle 3

‘You need to exercise moderation and consideration in everything that you do. Moderation develops your self-control. Consideration exercises your self-control.’

Key Principle 4

‘Love is a simple but yet potent four letter word that holds you together in difficult times. It creates friendship when you are alone and it removes the elements of stress when you have hate in your heart.’

Key Principle 5

‘Never start your day without a prayer. If you walk out of your abode without a prayer you will fall victim to the usual forms of temptation that has been lurking in the corridors of time since The Garden of Eden.’

Key Principle 6

‘Exercising is good for you. However, you need to be committed to a particular form of exercise in order to ensure that every muscle in your body gets the perfect workout. Choose something to suit you rather than something to convolute you.’

Key Principle 7

‘Eat wholesome foods as opposed to loathsome foods. Wholesome foods are healthy and satisfies your system. Loathsome foods only satisfy your palate.’

Key Principle 8

‘Always believe in yourself despite what others may think of you. You are unique and you shall always be a precious human being that lives to serve, conserve and preserve.’

Key Principle 9

‘Your life is a precious gift bestowed upon therefore you need to appreciate it, cultivate it and stimulate it. To do this effectively you need to apply Time Management’

Key Principle 10

‘Have a defined purpose in life and stick to that purpose. Exercise your role in life in a humane way. Walk tall and never feel hesitant to wake up from a sudden fall.’

Dear Friends, always remember that ALL problems in life is divisible by a set solution. If you have a problem, seek a solution. I am working at more proficient ways for you to access these solutions. If you have an idea, please let me know. Always remember that we are a circle of friends that care, share and remain fair. Have a wonderful Thursday and may your day be accomplished and fulfilled to the very core.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The PEN Effect

The PEN Effect

Dear Friends, it is a real pleasure to be of assistance to you in your problem area or in your cluster zone of problems that often brings you down and lowers your esteem. Throughout my life I have seen and tasted problems of varying sizes that were always inflicting, constricting and restricting to my life especially as a young boy and then later on as an adult. Over the years I realised that to every problem there is a related solution. This is governed by one of The Laws of the Universe, which states that all problems are solvable.

Today I make available to you based on the Triangular Concept to Success the following periodicals carefully selected to overcome your trauma.
  • A Selection of carefully chosen exercise routines for you to follow on a daily basis. These exercises are acquired for your use and comes with a full money back guarantee. Each set is priced at £29.95. This price includes postage and the price paid to the fulfilment centre to create and package a high quality DVD. No money comes to me. There DVDs are as follows and depending on your circumstances you can choose any one of the following exercises to help you overcome your dilemma.

  • As a mentor, friend and author I shall provide you with daily recipes, 360 in total for you to prepare. These recipes are not confined to one cuisine but are in fact multicultural. Each week I shall give you a shopping list to purchase ingredients and a video to explain how to prepare each meal. Some meals cost as little as a £1 and can feed as many as five people.
  • I will also give you at no additional charge a copy of The Modern Day Trilogy which explains in simple words your purpose in life. It is a series of books that became the blueprint of my life and every question that remained an enigma for so long has been answered, such as – What happens when we die? Do aliens exist? Where was the Garden of Eden? There is nothing more to pay and the shipping and manufacture of these high quality DVD books is handled by the fulfilment Centre.
  • Depending on your specific problem I will direct you to a private blog where I shall post daily inspirational articles and videos to help you achieve your targeted goals.
  • At the end of your chosen challenge, be it a 90 day, 240 day or 360-day challenge I shall provide you with the following gifts.
  • A Pamper day at A Spa for two near you, where you will indulge in an extensive range of facilities such as the gym, swimming pool, massage, sauna and steam room.

  • A signed copy of a very limited edition of my book ’52 Steps to Success’ finished in an image wrap cover with durable library binding.
  • You will also receive a signed Giclee print, framed in a picture frame of your choice to match the decor of your room or study of your favourite Quote to be chosen from over 1700 Quotes all penned by myself.

  • You will also be entered into a competition to win one of three prizes.
  • A Three Night Dublin break for two.
  • A Two Night Lake District Escape for Two.
  • A one break for two at a five-star hotel in Mayfair, London.
  • At the end of your challenge all I ask is for a written testimonial of your success story so that I could share them with other universal friends.
To partake in such a challenge please send me an email to and I shall send you an eBook outlining further details of the challenge including the general terms and conditions. If you like you could also indicate the nature of your problem in your email so that I could direct you to a private blog where special inspirational and motivational articles pertinent to your problem maybe read on a daily basis.
Thank you sincerely for reading this article. You are under no obligation to use The PEN Effect but always remember when your back is against the wall just drop me a line and I shall be there for you. 

The 90 – 180 – 360 - day challenge (Part 3)

The 90 – 180 – 360 - day challenge (Part 3)

Quote of the day

‘Understanding and Implementing the PEN Effect is precision work that needs to be performed daily with a sense of purity, surety and security. You have to exercise consistency, proficiency and productivity in order to see effective results. It is a source of discovery that helps you when you need recovery.’

Welcome to midweek Dear Friends. It is a real pleasure to have you on board and to also conclude our series on the Triangular Concept to Success. I want you to be consistently aware that I am here to help you in the same way that help was given to me over 21 years ago. If you do not need specific help at the moment, do continue to read my inspirational tweets and articles on a daily basis in the usual way. However, if the distant bells of despair tolls at any given time in the future always be free to use The PEN Effect. Why? It is a concept that worked for me in the most difficult period of my life and it is a technique that I still implement. To summarise I eat correctly. We all eat but don’t necessarily eat the right foods. This plays havoc in our body down to our individual cells. Our cells need to release energy. We need the right pockets of energy to perform work. Our mitochondria in our cells act as individual power blocks releasing energy in little pockets called ATP. Eating the wrong foods always releases the wrong pockets of energy like a laden truck that struggles to make it uphill. Eating correctly is about building pockets of the correct fuel. Exercising is about atoning the fundamental working horse of your intentions, that is your body from head to toe. I always exercised using different techniques, regretfully I was not consistent. Consistency is a vital necessity of a meritocratic goal setter. I did karate for almost 2 years and then gave it up. I lacked the passion and desire that was so needed. I did not look at the global picture of my life. To have a healthy body you need to latch onto an exercise agenda bespoke to your circumstances and then stick with it for the rest of your life. I cannot resume karate if I have no intentions of sticking with it. I need to be at it all the time. I need to set aside time each day to become proficient at it. What is the purpose of all of this? The purpose is clearly defined as the need to serve and the ability to serve with an undying need. All living organisms have a purpose in life from unicellular organisms to multi-cellular organisms like you and me. Take away that purpose and you shall obliterate an entire species. Gone are the dinosaurs and in comes the digital technician. So, if you are stuck in a quagmire of difficulties always remember that a solution awaits you to instantly annul your problem. To implement the solution, the PEN Effect helps. Problems do come in all shapes and sizes. What upsets you today may seem trivial to someone else. Little problems can compound into larger problems. Financial problems are the most difficult to contend with but yet it still remains solvable. Most problems are not dealt with because of the fear to overcome them. At the end of these series of tweets I will provide you with a link to my blog that enables you to take action when action is needed. You are not compelled to do anything but at least you know that if all is not well a friend is there waiting to meet and greet you. Such a friend is me, Anthony Pan. I am a 57-year-old married male living in the UK. I am alive, real and well. Sadly, 21 years ago I was not. Through a revelation I received an instant elevation. For my appreciation I created Universally Friendly. Universally Friendly is a circle of friends around the world that care, share and remain fair. I hope that I will one day create an academy of distant learning for people that are faced with problems and are able to access a huge database of solutions. Such an academy is growing by the day. Such an academy has only been possible with friends like you that keep in touch daily. Have a wonderful midweek and I look forward to sharing an online inspirational and motivational experience with you tomorrow.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

The 90 – 180 – 360 - day challenge (Part 2)

The 90 – 180 – 360 - day challenge (Part 2)

Quote of the day

‘Everyone is a specialist in their field. However, happiness is not about specialising but rather about choosing, categorising and compromising. You need to start choosing the right meals and the right exercise routines, you then need to categorise your problem areas and finally you need to compromise your action plan.’

Welcome to all of you on this wonderful day. Thank you ever so much for the wonderful appreciation of my tweets. A special and private thank you is on its way to you very soon. To implement a strategy that works we need to make a crucial decision. Are we ready to choose, categorise and compromise? Are we ready to choose the right dietary plans and fortified that with the right exercise routine to be executed daily? My job is to motivate you daily. That is my commitment and promise to you. This is how it will work if you are willing to take The 90 – 180 – 360 – day challenge. Action plan 1. Every week you will be given a shopping list to buy the right ingredients to prepare the approved meals. To accompany this, you will be provided with hands on recipes to follow and prepare based on the ingredients you bought. Moderation and Consideration are your key players in this important stage of your life. Because sugar and wheat are actually poisonous to your system this will be eaten in strict moderation. If you are a vegetarian, vegan, lactose intolerant or gluten intolerant consideration will be given for you. Action Plan 2. You choose the exercise routine to suit you. There will be at least 6 to choose from which can be upgraded for free to the advanced series later on. You will be encouraged daily to eat correctly and to exercise proficiently. This will come in the form of daily tweets. Action Plan 3: To make this effective based on your predicament you will be directed to a private site designed to motivate and encourage you to overcome your dilemma. You will be provided with a free copy of The Modern Day Trilogy. After completing reading these books your purpose in life will be unveiled. Depending on the nature of your predicament you need to decide which challenge you want to take on. If your predicament is intense, then I suggest taking on the 360-day challenge. By the end of it you will be fit and debt free. If your predicament is moderate, then I suggest taking on 180-day challenge. By the end of it you will be fit and debt free. If your predicament is mild, then I suggest taking on the 90-day challenge. By the end of it you will be fit and debt free. To assist me in creating a bespoke Action Plan for you, you will be directed to a special & private link tomorrow. Fill out the simple questionnaire. Once completed you will be asked to choose 3 special gifts for taking on the challenge. These free gifts will be delivered to you at the end of your challenge. In return all I ask is your honest testimonial. If it worked for me 21 years ago, I am certain that it will work for you. Think how wonderful your life will become at the end of your challenge. If you don’t take on the challenge, please do continue to read my daily inspirational article and tweets in the usual way. April is the month of Activity. These articles were written specifically for those that may have given up on their predicament. It is intended to give hope where hope is needed. It is designed to invigorate where invigoration is needed. It is written with love, friendship and trust when love, friendship and trust has suddenly disappeared along the horizon. You are not obliged to take on the challenge but always remember that if you are faced with a problem a solution always awaits you. This is the primary objective of Universally Friendly, to care, to share and to remain fair. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we conclude the final instalment of The 90 – 180 – 360 - day challenge. Never lose hope. Never feel lonely. Don’t carry the burden on your own. Relive your live. Revive your hidden goals. Build on your abilities. Float on cloud nine whenever you want to. Always radiate a sense of positivity. Deliver your best. Seek longevity and then attend the realm of eternity. Enjoy every second of your earthly life and leave behind a legacy of good deeds for others to follow. Appreciate the wonders of life. Fill your abode with nodes of joy and happiness. Create a friend and eliminate an enemy. Empty the clutter in your life and fill the emptiness with freshness, newness and trueness. Love your life for it is your greatest gift. Live your life to the fullest for it is worth 86,400 seconds per day. Enjoy every second of your life from now on. Have a great and fruitful day. May victory await you in turbulent colours of Summer.

Monday, 18 April 2016

The 90 – 180 – 360 - day challenge (Part 1)

The 90 – 180 – 360 - day challenge (Part 1)

Quote of the day

‘Taking on a challenge is like starting all over again. You identified the problem now you need to implement the solution. There is no hurry for haste always creates a trail of waste, generally of your valuable time and money. Therefore, a timeframe to suit your predicament must be merited by your own judgement.’

Welcome to the first day of a new working week from me Anthony Pan on my 57th birthday. It is great to have you on board as my eternal friend. We spoke about implementation in the past week and such an implementation was based on ‘The Triangular concept of Success’. Always remember that any implementation can only begin if you have a strong foundation. Yesterday when we spoke we highlighted that in order to succeed using the Triangular Concept of Success you need three core ingredients. These three core ingredients were Purpose, Exercise and Nutrition or abbreviated as the PEN Effect. These three core ingredients when mixed together in the right proportions will create a strong foundation for you to succeed. 21 years ago I had no access to these core ingredients. I never knew that they existed and that when mixed they will create a strong foundation. Strong foundations are vital to any aspect of your life. It is very much like planting a seed in fertile soil as opposed to throwing a seed onto the road. Without a strong foundation the seed will never grow. Likewise, without a strong foundation you will never succeed. It is very much like concrete which is made up of three core ingredients namely aggregate, cement and water. To create a strong foundation using concrete you need to use the three core ingredients in the right proportions. Likewise, to create a real success story in your life you need a strong foundation made up of Purpose, Exercise and Nutrition. These were laws that were passed down from generation to generation but suppressed so that only a few could benefit from them. I knew that Nutrition and Exercises existed in different forms made popular in those days by the likes of Floyd and Jane Fonda respectively. The purpose of my life was a huge enigma for me because I always placed reliance on man who limited my scope and my abilities. I was a vegetarian since the age of 18 but that was not good enough to understand the correct concept of eating. I was quite active in various forms of sport such as squash, jogging, cycling and karate but this was not good enough to be entirely fit. In an incredible revelation which I often call an elevation from a revelation I uncovered the secrets to success. I became fully aware of my purpose in life and about my existence. Slowly, I understood about equality amongst all and I comprehended the meaning of life. All of these incredible findings I documented and compiled later on into the three book series called The Modern Day Trilogy. The Modern Day Trilogy has been in circulation for over 20 years. It started off as a manual which was passed onto my students. With the purpose in my life more clearly defined finding the right method of eating and exercising was a lot easier, hence the PEN Effect. Help is out there but not all sources of help is genuine. The Internet may well be a source of information but it is also a source of imitation. People create sites to attract. They create eBooks to entice. They create offers with an attached price. Suddenly they become overnight Mentors, Speakers and Internet Marketers. The Internet then becomes a typical row of shops that offers something to lure you, to allure you, to obscure you and possibly reassure you. You then buy but eventually cry. You try and suddenly sigh. You read and then suddenly bleed with disappointment. You end up paying for something that does not hold a strong foundation to your life. You then lose confidence and experience a setback. The purpose of these recent articles was to make available to you a defined solution to your overall dilemma, if needed. Don’t despair when you know that life is really fair. Don’t lose hope when there is a lifeline to help you to cope. Ensure you have the right support with a real and valued purport. Latch onto something that means something. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls if you have a problem I want to assure you that a solution awaits you. I want to assure you that I am the only Author in the world that keeps in touch with his readers daily feeding them with fresh and relevant material. I live to aspire, inspire, motivate, formulate, fascinate, circulate, stimulate and alleviate you. Join me tomorrow for Part 2 of ‘The 90 – 180 – 360 - day challenge.’