Goodbye APRIL
Quote of the day
heartiest thanks to the month of April for uplifting my positivity. Today I
move forward into a new month with a new agenda. My positivity is stronger, my
goals are more inspiring and my life is now worth 44 years. APRIL does show
Friends, I feel so elated this morning knowing that I have a valid and valued chance
to reach the age of 100 years despite my predicaments almost 21 years ago. Yes,
I say this openly because when you speak to friends you need to be frank from
the onset and honest thereafter. I was indeed suicidal determined to end my life
on the 5th of November 1994. Today I live on, acknowledging my
86,400 seconds allocated to me per day and the remaining 44 years of life that
I have on planet Earth. Today, I sit in front of you steadfast, staid and
confident to live on and make constant changes in my life for the betterment of
my lifestyle and for the benefit of all other occupants on our planet. April has
helped me achieve that. April has shown me the road to positivity and APRIL has
given me the zest to live on, move on and carry on. Today, I am a prolific article
Writer, Author, owner of the first Online Inspirational Newspaper, a Publisher,
Philanthropist, Photographer, Lecturer, Motivational Speaker and the Creator of
the greatest number of Inspirational Quotes supported by a databank called
SOLPRO. All of these I have made accessible to my friends around the world. I
am not boasting, it’s not my style but I am merely identifying how important
you can be if you remain positive and seek increment changes in your life that
promotes longevity, health and wealth. I cannot express in words how excited I
am for the next year when I turn 57 years of age. I feel that I am born again to
live life to its fullest. I feel like a child ripping open new opportunities in
a world filled with opportunities. I feel so invigorated from dawn to dusk and
I ensure that all 86,400 seconds allocated to me per day is spent wisely and profitably.
I want you to enter the month of May with similar feelings in faculties of your
choice and to live on, move on and carry on without a speckle of dismay. I want
you to live with dreams bespoke to your needs. I want you to move on with
positivity like an energy source that is never ending. I want you to carry on
with the zest to live each day using up your allocated 86,400 seconds wisely
and profitably. I want you to start your
day with positivity, like the rays of the Sun that touches organisms with
vigour and valour. Without the energy from the Sun life will soon fizzle away.
Without positivity you too shall fizzle away, wasting valuable seconds each day
and knocking off vital years of your existence on Earth. Let us hold hands together
firmly and enter the month of May without a speckle of dismay. Let bygones be
bygones. Don’t dwell on past errors that led to unbelievable terrors. March on
with new adjustments to your life. Seek new goals, make vital changes and watch
how the Sun shall shine on your enterprise of living and loving. Always
remember live to love, and love to live. Do these simple things in life and you
shall command the next second in your life to your advantage and betterment.