Saturday 16 January 2016

Foundations Stones

Foundations Stones

Quote the day

‘It is extremely difficult to reinvent the wheel, but you can certainly modify or improve on it. What stood the test of time became the foundation stones of tomorrow. To succeed in life, choose a strong foundation stone cultivated over centuries ago and transform the outline of your life from scratch.

A pleasant welcome to ALL of you from me, Anthony Pan here in rather a cold and icy London Town. Our street furnishing has been covered in a blanket of ice like the topping on a Christmas Cake. Now that is a clear indication that Winter is about to start. Today I would like to talk about tomorrow based on nothing new but something very old, as old as time itself and that is called Foundation Stones. Foundation Stones are building blocks to the future. You cannot reinvent something that was already there but you can modify it to suit your needs. Today’s Foundations Stones are indeed tomorrows Transformations Kits. Without the blueprint to fundamental rules to succeed we would have to start all over again. The may take a lifetime. The materials and the knowledge are there to succeed, all we need is the methodology to execute it. Don’t waste valuable time trying to reinvent the wheel, simply modify it or alter it to suit your needs. You can achieve anything that you heart desires but start by using established Foundations Stones to succeed. If money is your primary need than follow the righteous ones that teach you how to earn and how to spend. Don’t follow the evildoer that takes your money away and leaves you penniless. If your health is an issue, follow those that have the skills to assist you from pharmaceutical companies to your GP. Stay away from newbies and freebies. These personnel have started their careers from Foundation Stones, they did not reinvent the wheel but simply modified it to suit current trends. Make today a starting point to a successful future. Find out what your real need is and then feed it with the right creed to make you succeed. Time is indeed your most valuable asset, use it profitably to create a lifetime of real success. Don’t waste time following the fool. Today I want you to analyse your needs and then write them down on a piece of paper. Tomorrow I will show you an illustrious video to help define your needs. Then from Monday, the 18th of January we shall work together like friends forever to make all your dreams come true. Nothing is impossible, you just need to follow a system of ethical rules that has worked before. I wish you an absolutely wonderful and restful weekend. Do dream to achieve, and then achieve to succeed.

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