Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The DICE Scenario

The DICE Scenario

Quote of the day

‘Don’t drop a DICE in your daily decisions because the outcome of your decisions will always lead to Delusion, Illusion, Confusion and Exclusion. This is not the making of a Meritocratic Goal Setter but sadly the making of a Despondent Failure in life.’

Understanding the feelings of being an absolute failure in life is an experience that I will never forget. You could say that I was actually the Number One Failure in life and held this position from 1959 to 1994 inclusively. Today I may not be the Number One Success Story of the Century but I can say that I am heading in that direction. Will you join me? Do you have the confidence to join me on a journey lasting 3 more months? I promise daily to hold your hand and fill your heart with intense inspiration that will lead to a satisfactory result. How can I be sure of this? I am sure because I do not throw a DICE in any decision that I make and that is a decision I made on the 5th of November 1994. I now plan ahead, I think ahead and I look ahead. I now always live in anticipation of the next second, the next minute, the next hour, the next day, the next week, the next year and the next decade. Today I want you to walk with me into a new month and into a new beginning by stopping and starting. I want you to stop procrastinating and start accomplishing. I want you stop hating and start loving. I want you stop bad habits and start good habits. I want you to be firm in your decision making by stop throwing a DICE to visualise a possible outcome but to do your homework first to guarantee a perfect result. Our theme for the month of October is called SOS. SOS stands for Stop in October and Start in October or if your prefer ‘StoptOberStartober. We are going to aim to STOP all our bad habits and Start or resume all our good Habits to assist us in attaining our ultimate success in life. Today I want to talk about making and taking the right decisions in life so that we always end up with the right conclusion. I call this the DICE Scenario, because admittedly we all take chances in life and end up feeling very sorry for the consequences of our hasty decisions. Firstly, I hope and pray that you are well and that you have found the spirit in you during the month of September. I tried to instil my inspirational content with articles and related videos to create that extra bit of passion and desire in you. To leap into October 2015 we need to make the right decisions at the right time. Planning in advance and living in anticipation of something going wrong helps. We know well of the consequences of making the wrong decisions. It always leads to Delusion, Illusion, Confusion and Exclusion. Delusion is the result of making mistakes and ending up being misunderstood. We make mistakes all the time, but from October we shall learn to minimise making repetitive mistakes. The Art of Correction is to learn from our mistakes and to ensure that we do not make them again. Illusion is the result of acting on ones dreams without carefully assessing the full content of it. We then tend to live a life of fantasy rather than reality. We dream to create golden goals but until we reach the state of gold we need to realise our dreams first. Realisation makes us determine whether that dream is really sometime that we want to do or not. Acting on a fantasy is time wasting and therefore leads one to make rash decisions and hop onto a pipe dream express.  Confusion is about the wrong result. Take the wrong bus and you get to the wrong destination. The bus will always be the same, mounted on six wheels and licenced to carry 1 wheel chair, 3 buggies and 64 passengers. However if you hop on the wrong bus showing a different destination number then you will end up in a totally different direction. Getting the wrong result stems from taking and making the wrong decision. Finally we need to talk about Exclusion. Exclusion is the result of Delusion, Illusion and Confusion. Exclusion leaves you unwelcomed, kept out of the happy circle and ruled out of future ventures. Why, because you decided to throw the DICE in your life. In October we shall steer our intent to make the right decisions.
Previous Quote

‘Nothing will go wrong if you did the right thing.’

Always remember these words before the end of today. These ten words will change your life. If you are in doubt over a decision that you made ask yourself these ten words – Did I make the right decision or the wrong decision.’

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Time to Recap – The AEIOU of Success

Time to Recap – The AEIOU of Success

Quote of the day

‘Sometimes too much of information can be overwhelming. Information is knowledge and knowledge is vast therefore you need to stick to your needs, develop the knowhow, apply and then conquer. This is the principle of the AEIOU of Success’

Welcome to Tuesday, the 29th of September 2015. Life is so filled with joy, happiness and love that we sometimes ignore how plentiful it really is and how easy it is to extract and enjoy every minute of it. I am so excited that I am here with you as a friend and as a servant of our Heavenly Father to act as a sole custodian of my domain. As I write an article a day I write not only to inspire you but also to inspire myself to make my life happy, contented and joyful. What I write at the crack of dawn is what I feel at that precise moment. Sometimes world events trigger me to write to inspire. There may be something that happened yesterday that touched my senses, from this accolade of life’s moments I start to write to overcome and conquer what is troubling me. So as I write to inspire you I am also writing to inspire myself to wake up and extract the free flowing spirit of happiness around me, to indulge in the fragrance of living and to embark on impossible dreams and make them manifest into the possible extremes. Nothing is impossible, if your wish is unselfish you are guaranteed to achieve it. I have seen miracles, I have seen wishes come true and I have tasted the fruits of life that makes life so enriched and popular. Today I write this article to inspire you to feel the same and to touch your dreams and let them turn hopefully into golden goals. If you are patient, hardworking and determined you shall achieve anything that your heart desires. To assist you in reaching your goals you needs the appropriate tools like a farmer that uses tools to rake in his or her harvest each year. Today I want to talk about the AEIOU of Success. I called this the vowels of overall success, in others words the AEIOU of Success. A stands for Attract, E stands for Extract, I stands for Impact, O stands for Overreact and finally U is for Underreact. To create those magnificent dreams which we spoke openly about during the month of September 2015 you need to Attract. Yes, you need to attract things that are applicable to your needs. However you must always remember that The Universe is opulent and attracting everything can make your choices overwhelming. You need to attract what you need. Once attracted you then need to extract the core ingredients to make your dreams flourish into unknown and unbelievable entities. Extracting comes with selective and unselfish thinking.  A Farmer that produces potatoes does not need to extract other seeds that do not fall into his or her expertise. Once extracted you then need to go to work. Your extraction must have an Impact on your life. You should see this instantly. It’s called passion and desire. Passion and desire drives you to unprecedented levels of performances. If you cannot feel this unique experience then you need to go back and start extracting the right ingredients once again. Why we sometimes feel this way is because we tend to Overreact or sometimes Underreact.  When we Overreact we tend to go overboard and attract too much of information not necessarily bespoke to our needs but rather to other people’s needs. To the contrary sometimes we tend to Underreact because we lack the ability to believe in ourselves and in our abilities. We know that we want certain things in life like the prefect bank balance or the ideal weight but we openly lack the confidence to take the first step. There has to be a balance between Overreacting and Underreacting. This is crucial to your overall success. Success can be a daunting task if you do not really understand your needs. Therefore using the AEIOU method helps. Using the right tools helps to make your choices easier. A Farmer knows his or her tools and uses them to suit the job, therefore in achieving your personal success and noted change you need to use the right tools at the right time. Tomorrow I would like to talk about the DICE Scenario which is another tool for success. Since you have become my friend you would have noticed that I utilise various tools to gain Real Success, please choose the right tool to suit your needs.

Monday, 28 September 2015

Summer Holidays

Summer Holidays

Quote of the day

‘Take a break and awake to the sound of Summer. Shake off the workload, put the brake onto your daily grind and go and sit beside the lake, release all the aches, have a piece of cake, enjoy a piece of steak and wake up to the sizzling sound of Summer.’

With just 94 days before 2016 all I can say is thank you for being here on your favourite inspirational channel to seek your wheel of fortune. Every single day henceforth I promise you a new Quote to make you put on. A new article to create that tiny bit of sparkle in you and a new video to motivate you. Life is abundant teeming with opportunities that are bespoke to your very needs, your life is indeed a precious gift and as we drift from one day to another and from one year to another our aim is to succeed. To succeed you need to be inspired and this is where I come into your life. I am so grateful to have you as my friends and for as long as I live I shall write to inspire, create to motivate and fill the socks of your life with joy and happiness so that you do not go to bed feeling weary and dreary. You are indeed special and therefore you need to be treated special. Look into the mirror if you do not believe what I say. The reflection of your life tells a story that is unique, fascinating and vibrant. You are an individual that occupies space and time. Your presence on planet Earth has a valid purpose, don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise. Don’t be sullen today. I want you to be bright and gay and watch all the birds play. I want you to breathe the aroma of the flowers that colours that surface of the earth.  I want you to dream big, to think big and to take gallant leaps into your future life on Earth. Your dreams can come true if you believe in them. I want you to be happy and joyful from the crack of dawn to the onset of dusk where the sky turns into a photographers dream. Have you gazed at the setting Sun and wondered about the glory that the Sun brings upon us each day. I want you to live your life and to experience your life. I want you to learn a new language or a new word right away. It does not hurt to learn. It does not hurt to have a desire and a passion in something personal. I want you to explore the world and write your own account of the magnificence you have seen and experienced. The world is a beautiful planet teeming with the right ingredients to create life and opportunities for all. I want you to take a holiday of your dreams and to plan not just for the occasion but for the rest of your life. You worked extremely hard so why not pamper yourself rotten. There is no real harm in spoiling yourself. You have a life, and that life is equated to a total of 86,400 seconds per day which is an incredible timeframe to do things. I want you to be adventurous and take to the skies and glide along the ocean of wonder and awe. I want you to take a snapshot of your experiences and tell the world that you did it because you believed in yourself. I want you to create fond memories to last a lifetime. I want you to create friends that give you confidence. Finally I want you to create a world of your own. 

Sunday, 27 September 2015

You’re Life, Your Career

You’re Life, Your Career

Quote of the day

‘What you believe in will manifest in exactly the way you believe it. This is called the power of believing not only in yourself but also in filling a need out there in a world so abundant and opulent.’
Dear Friends meeting tomorrow with a happy face can be hard if you stuck in a rut over a bad decision of getting there in the first. Many a folk will tell of how unhappy they are in the faculty of their employment. It is either poor wages, unfair working conditions, discrimination or no real prospects. Sadly very few people realise how easy it is to make tomorrow a better day. It is called ‘The Power to Believe in yourself.’ Now I don’t expect you to give up your existing job straight away but if you are dissatisfied you need to open new doors in your life. You need to venture into new careers and golden opportunities. The world is abundant and waiting for you, you just need to believe in yourself. Believing in yourself creates wonder in you. Wonder is an astonishing phenomenon bespoke to individual needs and comes with an incredible awe. It all boils down to what you believe in. If you think passionately about something there is a very good chance of it happening. I know this for a fact. I experienced the power of miracles and I tasted the opportunity of a second chance. Many will say it is a miracle, others will say it is your fortune and some will say it was a surprise. I say it is all about believing in yourself. I want to tell you quite openly that if you want to see an individual change in your life you have to dream it first. Dreams are like rehearsal grounds for you to sample and taste. If you don’t like it then simply move onto the next and the next. You are not committing when you dream, Dreams are like fairgrounds covered with spectacle and awe.

Previous Quote

‘If you can dream it then you must first realise it before you can achieve it.

Many of us make the obvious mistake, we dream and then take on something without realising its full ramifications. Realisation makes you understand the responsibilities attached to a particular course in life. The question is can you cope. Can you cope with the workload attached to a dream that you have? If you can then bring it on! Therefore if you stuck in something that you are unhappy about then you have jumped into it without careful thought. Dear Friends, it is not too late to change. Tomorrow is the start of a new working week. Are you happy about getting and undertaking your responsibilities for the day? If not, what is worrying you? Are you in the right occupation? Are you being treated fairly? Do you receive a satisfactory remuneration to meet your monthly needs let alone your future needs? Dear Friends, don’t be despondent. You have the power to change anything that you are unhappy about.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

The Power of living

The Power of living

Quote of the day

‘The Power of Living lies within you. It is energy made for unleashing to explore the world that you live in and to make amends that is fitting. It is about honouring and venerating your presence and the presence of others that exist around you.’

Dear Friends, of whom you shall always be, I want to assure you today that your life is extraordinarily special. You have life that is bursting with latent energy waiting to unleash itself into the surroundings that you occupy. This weekend should be your weekend to explore this wonderful energy bestowed upon you for all eternity. Welcome to a riveting weekend Dear Friends, although it is the last weekend of September 2015 it certainly is the start to a new beginning. Yes, the beginning of your life in a new light based on your desire to live it and love it. You have the power to be in control, this weekend will illustrate this. Whatever your dilemmas are please put them aside for we shall deal with them later on. All problems have their solutions, so put whatever problems that is vexing you aside. Today at the start of your weekend you are the Captain, Pilot, Commander, Manager, Boss and the Leader of your affairs. Yes, you are the Captain of your destiny, whatever calculated course you take you shall reach a destination that is befitting to your needs. Take charge of your life I say onto you and unleash that hidden power to make the most of your life. Say no to procrastination, say no to temptation and say a definite no to frustration. However say yes vehemently to aspiration, inspiration and motivation. Don’t hang around with drains that take away or sap your hidden powers and talents. They are selfish individuals that just want to use and abuse. Hang around with radiators that augment your abilities and encourage you to live a more fruitful and unselfish life. You will know a radiator from a drain, they stand out by a mile. Learn from what you see. Look ahead of you and capture moments that inspire you. The world is so filled with wonderful moments created by wonderful people. These people are your radiators. They inspire you and they will motivate you. There is a wealth of inspiration all around you, you just need to capture like a photographer endless streams of footage. Keep your spirits high this weekend and let it help you to meet October 2015 with added strengths and golden opportunities to conquer. The world is indeed opulent, there are opportunities for all and the diversity to tickle your fancy. Engage in a magnificent weekend that you will only want to remember. Fond memories create a lifetime of blissfulness. Fill the patio of your home with harmony. Let your home shine out to the world in front of you. As you seek aspiration, inspiration and motivation also aspire, inspire and motivate others too. Let the bells of your enclosure sound a melodic tone of high spirits, fun, laughter and enjoyment. Let everyone in your neighbourhood know that your life is a bubbling one. Make dreams come true by constantly believing that you can achieve anything that you want to. Yes, you can! Push away the feelings of rejection and bring upon you the feelings of affection. Rejection spells gloom and doom. Affection create bloom and zoom. Look in a new direction this weekend to activate correction. Correction leads to perfection.  Dear Friends, make this weekend count. You can if you wanted to. Don’t slip into a bout of worries and remorse. You will achieve nothing. 

Friday, 25 September 2015

Love your planet, it is your home for 100 years

Love your planet, it is your home for 100 years

Quote of the day

‘Our Planet Earth, is a bluish tint of visible light in the cosmos of infinite light and is enshrouded in a cloud of life that is so wonderful and diversified. Amongst the wonders of life is you, a person destined to live, to love and to be above all living creatures as sole custodians our wonderful world.’

The light so wondrous and bright, is the elegance and gracefulness of life that moves across the cosmos with a defined message of hope and peace. As you make a headway into the frontiers of space and time we need to imprint good deeds for others to follow. We need to identify good from bad and leave behind a legacy of worthiness to the ones that are young, immature and inexperienced. We need to watch out for the stray earthworm or the injured seagull for all of these creatures have a fundamental purpose in life, to work steadily to create a perfect platform for us to subsist. We need to marvel at the creation by observing, conserving, preserving and serving. We need to be COPs. Observation makes us live in awe at the contours of the hills and valleys and at the detours that we need to make when uncertainty beckons us. Conserving makes us understand the purpose of every living creature that inhabits the Earth and their function too. Destroy a tree and you let the birds and the bees flee. Destroy an animal and you destroy a generation that follows. Destroy a flower and you destroy the power of pollination. Destroy the flow of water and you destroy the flow of life. Preserving is about maintaining stability from microorganisms to superorganisms like us.  To preserve is to protect. Preservation is about control, it is about how much and how little we use. It is about replenishing when we are finishing. It is about defending when poachers start killing. It is about saving land when land is so scarce. To serve is something that I have always spoke about. Our function as human beings is to serve our Heavenly Father as sole custodians of the living world. With the appendages to perform our message is quite clear – CONSERVE, OBSERVE, PRESERVE. Are you going to be a COP from today onwards? Are you going to take charge of your domain? Dear Friends, it is so wonderful to wake up to the sound of nature and to marvel at the rising Sun and to gaze at the vastness of space. I cannot express in words how wonderful it is to be here in the 21st Century and to exercise our roles as sole custodians of the living world. Our wonderful planet does holds an infinite amount of painful impressions caused by the greed of man. Despite this nature has created a wonderful podium for us to speak, live and enjoy our life for as long as we want to. When I breathe the air I render constant gratitude to Almighty GOD for His constant compassion and love for us all. I reciprocate by giving back humbleness, kindness, gentleness and love from the bottom of my heart. The world is enriched with a heavenly biosphere of life and with a celestial ecosphere of infinite life forms. The world is A Creation of our Heavenly Father in gentle strokes of colour, vibrancy and thought. The world is our abode amongst an array of magnificent creatures consisting of the fauna and flora that make up our ecosystem. Every country has its own biota to be proud of. Australia is Australia because the ecological unit of that region is programmed to create Australia. Dear Friends, you are part of an incredible glorification where we live together and remain together for the duration of our lives. There are those that will want to break peace with war, love with hate, colour with blanch and positivity with negativity. Today I want to assure you that as long as there is goodness in the atmosphere, biosphere, ecosphere, ionosphere and the stratosphere we will be okay. You will be okay if you build up a constant spirit to live to the best of your ability. You will be okay if you remain gentle, humble and kind. You will be okay if you look after our planet and its occupants. You will be okay if you are determined and have a strong resilience to the adversities found in life. I want you to be a COP for the rest of your life, remain a COP for eternity and be proud of your daily achievements.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

Learning from the fauna of our world

Learning from the fauna of our world

Quote of the day

‘The Fauna of our world so perfectly designed operate in numbers or as individuals to create a platform for us to survive. To survive is to exist. To survive is to endure. To survive is to subsist. Animals do it, so why can’t we exist, endure and subsist in the same way.’

Life to me is a precious gift and I try to portray this message to all my friends around the world as often as I can. Life in a day is worth 86,400 seconds, how we spend it will determine how we live, where we live, why we live and for how long. If I gave you £86,400 pounds a day to live would you be happy. Would you waste this money or would you put it to good use. Does time outweigh the value of money? I think that it does because time equated to 86,400 seconds per day can generate £86,400 or more per day. We live to exist, we live to endure and we live to subsist. We cannot exist without a valid purpose. Every living creature and every living individual has a purpose in life and that purpose is to serve. We serve as sole custodians of the living world as human beings and animals serve as sole custodians of their domain functioning according to their need. Take away that purpose and you will become redundant in an abundant world. Take away the purpose of an animal and that animal will become extinct. Likewise we need to ask ourselves where the dinosaurs are. Did they have a purpose in life? The answer is yes! Dinosaurs did have a unique purpose in life and when that purpose was no longer needed they become extinct. We are here for a valid reason and this can be seen quite clearly in the way we think, do things and say things. We have the appendage to do things that other organisms cannot do. We can train for amusement elephants to perform acts or lions to jump through a ring of fire but this is not a purpose but rather entertainment to amuse. Life is abundant and sometimes animals appear eerie to our eyes or sometimes even weary if they are nocturnal. Dear Friends animals have a fundamental purpose in life and that is to create the centre stage for us to exist, endure and subsist. Take away the animals that roam the Earth, burrow the soil and glide across the atmosphere and you shall have a platform that will collapse instantly. You must believe in a purpose in your life and if you do your life will become more engaging. I believe wholeheartedly in my existence through many decades of tiresome trials and tribulations. I saw the lows and the highs in my life. From the age of three I was subjected to horrific circumstances that always left me to question my existence. I saw and felt pain across every plain in life. I felt hurt many times in my life and decided to become alert from now on. Yesterday we spoke of living in anticipation and today I can only expound on that. I saw anger between the eyes of greedy men and women and today I live to avoid the adversities in life. Always remember that avoidance is better than pursuance. From a young age I was always fascinated with the lives of animals. Watching David Attenborough on TV made learning about the life of mammals a lot more interesting and having studied S Level Zoology at school made me become even more interested. You see Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls if you look deeply into the lives of animals you will see a picture of fascination, exploration and verification. You will see that animals have a natural instinct to survive and to avoid the adversities that they often face. From these observations I created a series of 34 Books called ‘The Natural Instincts Series’ as a reference source to help me meet the highs and lows in life. Today I want for you to have access to these books for free. However to avoid abuse and unauthorised distribution of my books I am creating exclusive sites for you to have access to. So when troubles knocks on your front door at least you know that there is and always will be a reliable source of information at your disposal. This source is called Universally Friendly, a circle of friends around the world that care, share and remain fair.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Always live in Anticipation

Always live in Anticipation

Quote of the day

‘Living in anticipation of the next second, the next day or the next year is all part of the chemistry of remaining successful. Anticipation gives you the hope to cope, the keenest to show some leanness and the expectation to avoid temptation.’

Dear Friends we always live in regret because we made too many hasty decisions, we spoke the wrong words without consideration and thought of something that is not unforgivable. To avoid this we need to live in anticipation of the next second, the next day or the next year as part of the chemistry of remaining successful. Living in anticipation makes you keep your pace relative to your overall stature and grace. As a result you will find invariably you will make less hasty decisions that often makes you live in remorse or weep for that matter no matter how old you may well be. You will also say the right words at the right time indicating to your listener that you are a gentle, humble and a kind person that means no harm but strives to reach a happier lifestyle without hurting another person. Life has indeed become somewhat hectic and as a result we forget to live in anticipation and make pragmatic decisions become problematic conclusions. Living in anticipation makes you aware of rage before it appears in front of you. Rage can be quite an abrasive tool and often spoils your day or even in some situations your entire life.  Living in anticipation makes you age a lot lesser opening a new page in your life. One of the biggest and noted causes of aging is stress. Living in anticipation avoids stress. Wrong decisions make you enter a new road in life that you never quite expected or prepared for. You then have to deal with new circumstances and take chances in life to barely survive. I am living proof of this. I took many a wrong turn in my life and ended up in the most regretful circumstances ever. Living in anticipation can make you stand on a new stage in your life attracting the spoils of life. Think of the better opportunities in life and you are attracted to it. Think of being successful and you shall attract success even though you have landed yourself in a pit of unnecessary trouble. Anticipation gives you a new level of hope to cope with remorse. Living in anticipation makes you disengage when times become a little harder. We all accelerate our pace because we need to get there quicker than before, we need to be first in the queue or we need to be served first rather than last. Anticipation takes away the trauma of stress and makes you dress for the occasion. If you are served last you don’t really mind because you lived in anticipation. Living in anticipation makes you avoid the swerving car, the unfriendly pedestrian and the rudeness next door. Just think of the next second and the possibilities that come with it and you could avoid the nastiness of life. Living in anticipation makes you aware of impoliteness, anger, frustration, temptation, complications and violation. You have seen it all, you tasted it all and you have heard it all before. So why get involved. Dear Friends, I urge you to take cognisance of the next second, of the next day, of the next week or the next year. Living in anticipation makes you aware of danger from the person next to you, from the person in the next city or from another planet. You have to be in tune with the world and the affairs of the world. You need to know what’s good for you and what is bad for you. Living in anticipation makes you aware of illnesses and the seriousness of its implications. You need to know about prevention before seeking a cure. You need to be pure, sure and secure a place in life that promotes happiness and joy. Living in anticipation makes you aware of possible changes in your vocation that may cause you to lose your job. Technology is changing rapidly, employers are changing in exchange for a better promotion or offer, people are changing as they older and therefore you need to change in order to adapt. You need to keep abreast of things and learn to survive. Living in anticipation makes you aware of the future and how you shall fit into it. The future is changing rapidly too. New countries are constantly being formed as a result of demarcation through fighting, religion or politics. Where will you stand amidst the turmoil, will you end up being a refugee, a victim or deceased? Living in anticipation makes you aware of a possibility of another world war or even a cold war. Fatalities have rocked and shocked the world when man had discovered greed. Today we need to overcome greed but it is a hard project that could take time or last for infinity. We need to be aware of the purity of the air, we need to learn to be fair, we need to watch out for that obvious snare, we need to be aware of danger and we need to prepare for the unexpected at all times I am afraid to add. Living in anticipation makes you aware of extinction, addiction, destruction or even competition. Where are the vital pieces of nature that we destroyed? Why do we kill the rhino? Why do we kill each other? Dear Friends give anticipation a try for anticipation gives you the hope to cope, the keenest to show some leanness and the expectation to avoid temptation.

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Make dreams come true

Make dreams come true

Quote of the day

‘Dreams can become true. It can become true even if you are feeling blue, it can become true even if you have to wait in a queue and it can become true because it is you. You have the power to do, the power to go through and the power to ensue.’

Dear Friends to be appointed the sole custodian of your domain and the choreographer, screenwriter and director of your daily affairs makes your life so much more interesting and challenging. It is good to have you on board on our 6 month journey to success. We started this journey on the 1st of July 2015 to help you create those golden goals that you thought would be impossible to achieve. I stand in front of you metaphorically speaking to openly assure you that you CAN achieve anything that you want in life and if your goals are unselfish I guarantee you that you will succeed. Life is wonderful for me as I wake up at the crack of dawn to partake in the splendour and grandeur of living it. I cannot express these feelings with you in words because I think that our existing vocabulary does not contain words of personal expressions to illustrate how splendid and grand life really is. If you are seated next to me or spend a day with me I think that you will realise these personal feelings and expressions that I have, it is like having goose bumps every single second of my life. Whatever you want in life you CAN have. You just need to dream it. You don’t have to fantasize. In other words your dreams are not designed to make you build castles in the air or let your imagination run wild. Your dreams are real, actual and factual. They are born in your heart and are in tune with your soul. They are genuine to the core, factual to adore and truthful even enough to make you feel hopeful. I spoke about capturing before, you just need to be that elusive photographer that captures images to create a sequence of frames to make that wonderful dream happen before your very eyes, in total privacy. Yes, there will be bad moments in life that pulls you down and there will always be good moments that will pull you up again. Life is like that, today may be good for some but tomorrow could be bad for others. Life is always filled with endless streams of ups and downs. You are a human being and therefore have the power to endure, to ensue, to do and to go through. You are the master of your domain and a citizen of The Universe. To make your life bright and gay you need to believe. You need to believe in your dreams because you are the maker of your dreams like a director to a film. In fact you are the choreographer, screenwriter and director to ALL your daily activities. So, why not make your life an epic for the world to see, learn from and to be inspired to do similar feats of interest. Dear friends, you have the power to dream your future and the power to take action to make your future interesting. Don’t go to bed feeling despondent. Don’t get up feeling despondent either. You will achieve nothing either way. Spend your life like a photographer or cameraman or camerawoman capturing the wonders of life. Use social media in whatever format you want to create friends and share ideas. With social media I would not have met you and vice versa. Today I am so glad that I am your friend and that you are my friend. Together we can make our lives better and our world even better. Your Dreams can become true. It can become true even if you are feeling blue, it can become true even if you have to wait in a queue and it can become true because it is you. You have the power to do, the power to go through and the power to ensue.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Enjoy your life

Enjoy your life

Quote of the day

‘Enjoy every moment of your life. Start your day with enjoyment and end it with enjoyment. The Art of Enjoyment is something that everyone should engage in for the benefits are often quite breath-taking.’

Dear Friends, you cannot go it alone. You need team work to make dreams work. You need to enjoy what you do and how you do it. This enjoyment begins at home where friends are custom made. You need to expend all 86,400 seconds of your day enjoying the company of each other. Life begins at home. Love begins at home. Live your life and love your life. Don’t spend time on activities that are wasteful or hurtful.  Create fond memories that last forever. Touch that wonder smile that gleams throughout the household and amplify it with your own smile. Gather your thoughts with lots and lots of laughter and joy. Let breakfast, lunch and dinners be eaten together mingled with appropriate words and sounds. It is important to seek enjoyment in what you do. You need that inner satisfaction knowing that you had a good day. You need that little bit of gratification by the end of each working week knowing that your efforts has being worth it. Dear Friends, what is life without life itself. We need to take a page from the diversity of life on Earth to see openly that life is good. Enjoyment begins at home. You need to exercise enjoyment at home before you can think of spreading it elsewhere. Enjoyment is not for the moment but for every second of the day. Relish it, cherish and let it flourish throughout your home. Partake in meal preparations together. Become educated in the different types of food there is in the market of universal foods. Go for walks together, feed the ducks together, play a game together and sail the ocean of your dreams together. Love one and another. Let your windows at home sparkle to the tune of good friendships. Avoid confrontation. Avoid Frustration. Avoid litigation. Avoid accusation. Avoid condemnation. Avoid exploitation. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls you need each other. You need to climb the golden mountain to create golden goals, who else can join you but your family. Start to enjoy your life from now on. Enjoy every moment of your life. Start your day with enjoyment and end it with enjoyment. The Art of Enjoyment is something that everyone should engage in for the benefits are often quite breath-taking. 

Sunday, 20 September 2015



Quote of the day

Students Utilises Constantly Changing Examples to Sustain Success.’

Dear Friends when it comes to overall individual success we ALL are students irrespective of who we really are, how old we are, what qualifications we have or where we are from. Success is a learning tool that needs to be applied daily to accommodate natural changes, artificial changes and financial changes. Changes are happening ALL the time. Sometimes they go by unnoticed and sometimes changes can have an incredible impact on our lives. Dear Friends I wrote this article today because I thought about the word SUCCESS when I sat back in my garden chair in the midst of a Summer afternoon here in good old London Town. I wanted to know why is it that Success cannot be sustained every single day of our lives. What are we lacking to make Success a daily routine? The answer then came to me in a flash. To sustain a reasonable degree of Success in our lives we need to be aware of changes that are happening around us and adapt to those changes. Most of us fail to do this. We think of Success as a process of becoming rich. The idea of being successful is not entirely a process of accruing funds in your bank account. In fact success is actually the opposite. Success is about maintaining a stable mind and a balanced physique to actuate your goals and turn them into reality. These goals should be altruistic and should be achieved without hurting another human being. Success is also about having the passion to live a bountiful life and to believe in your dreams and your ultimate goals. Success is about serving our Heavenly Father with love and devotion and to exercise our humane roles on planet Earth. Success is to love and in order to love we need to understand love. Love is not lust. Success is about appreciating your life, every second of it. Success is about setting examples for others to follow. Success is also about following examples set by other people too. Success is about the way you bring up your own children. Success is about understanding the flowers and the bees, for without the flowers there shall be no bees and without the bees there shall be no flowers. Success is about moving out of one predicament, learning from your fallacies in life and moving to a new dimension free from harm. Success is about holding hands together when the tables are turned. Success is about removing hate and avoiding being late. Success is about extracting knowledge as per your needs and applying this knowledge to uplift your life, often called wisdom. Success is about eating intelligently and to make adjustments when illnesses sets in. Success is about thinking of a raining day and making provisions when times are tough. Success is about lending a hand to those that need it. Success is about maintaining a clean planet and a healthy environment. We are indeed Students of Success and until we are willing to learn as we meet varying adversities we will always make mistakes.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Choose your own level of Friendship

Choose your own level of Friendship

Quote of the day

‘We all go through varying degrees of trials and tribulations. Our real quest in life is to seek to resolve. My job is to help you seek that resolve. Therefore depending on your circumstances you need to choose a level of friendship to suit your circumstances, a source that gives you new knowledge and wisdom to follow.’

Dear Friends I cannot express in words how wonderful it is to have friends like you. Friendship makes all the difference to life. It add vibrancy, it adds excitement and joie de vivre in your heart. Can you imagine living in a forum of ecstasy where everything that you need is provided as per your requirements? Can you imagine that at a touch or click of a button the answer to your problem unveils right in front of your very eyes? All you have to then do is act upon it. Let us imagine that one of your problems is to lose weight. You’ve been to the doctor and his or her prognosis indicates that your liver is fatty and an exercise and diet regime should be undertaken with immediate effect. Many diet plans or gym memberships costs the earth and some of them actually make you put on more than weight than before. Who else can you turn to? How about Friends that you can trust. How about Friends that care, share and remain fair. How about Friends that show you exactly what to do and how to do it. How about Friends that have the answers to all your problems. How about Friends that don’t ask for subscription payments, postage or donations. Yes, these are friends that really care, share and remain fair. These are friends that care for your health, wealth and your prosperity. These are friends that share knowledge liberally and don’t ask you to pay them huge sums of money. These are friends that are fair. They do not ridicule you, denigrate you, humiliate you, con you, sap you of your funds, promise you the earth and deliver nothing. Yes, these are friends that you can trust and rely on. This is why I am working steadily to make available products for you to obtain in most cases for free and to share them with you so that you can come out of your predicament with relative ease. Struggling to find work? Problems at the work front? Problems at the Homefront? Problems at home? Problems at school? Problems with your finances? Friends like Universally Friendly will always be there for you. Need to publish your manuscript? Need to find work? Need to start a business? Universally Friendly will always be there for all of you. The Golden Level of Friendship at Universally Friendly gives you more than just Gold. It gives you opportunities that outweighs the value of Gold. Do you need a change in career or an additional income? The Golden Level of Friendship offers just that. The next stress to bereavement in my opinion is Financial Stress. So, if finance is your problems don’t lose hope, help is available. Stand tall and walk tall and capture an unselfish way to increase your income using ideas from Universally Friendly. There are many avenues which I will direct you to. The Platinum Level of Friendship gives you the unique and unselfish opportunity to successfully run your own online business.  What is the definition of Success? Success can best be defined as the ability to do the things in life with genuine love, passion and vigour. Success takes away stress and without stress you will find Real Happiness. What Real Happiness is? To answer this try to think about what you would really like to achieve unselfishly in life?  Once you have listed these goals on a piece of paper or visualised them in your mind, close your eyes and try to feel it, try to feel it from within, try to experience the energy that real success gives you.  Let this feeling flow throughout your body and see how invigoratingly fresh you become.  As you wake up each day you will wake up knowing that you are indeed Happy doing the things you really feel strongly about. Choosing the Platinum Level of Friendship helps you to achieve your goals, irrespective of what they really are. The Elite Level of Friendship is a new concept to a helpful and friendly resource centre. Starting soon, the Elite Level of friendship is designed to assist you to understand and utilise your products from Universally Friendly in a much easier way. There are monthly Webinars, free eBooks, discount booklets, Events, Summits and a special site just for you.  So whatever your predicament in life is there is a solution, you just need to open the right door to suit your predicament. Apart from my daily tweets, articles and Quotes I want to create a resource centre for you to browse through pertinent to your needs. I am working on this diligently to create specific sites for you to log on and extract pertinent information to help you regain yourself. Before 2016 is upon us you will have the mechanism to overcome your adversities and the Methodism to take action. Don’t despair, Dear Friends help is here, 24/7.