Thursday 24 September 2015

Learning from the fauna of our world

Learning from the fauna of our world

Quote of the day

‘The Fauna of our world so perfectly designed operate in numbers or as individuals to create a platform for us to survive. To survive is to exist. To survive is to endure. To survive is to subsist. Animals do it, so why can’t we exist, endure and subsist in the same way.’

Life to me is a precious gift and I try to portray this message to all my friends around the world as often as I can. Life in a day is worth 86,400 seconds, how we spend it will determine how we live, where we live, why we live and for how long. If I gave you £86,400 pounds a day to live would you be happy. Would you waste this money or would you put it to good use. Does time outweigh the value of money? I think that it does because time equated to 86,400 seconds per day can generate £86,400 or more per day. We live to exist, we live to endure and we live to subsist. We cannot exist without a valid purpose. Every living creature and every living individual has a purpose in life and that purpose is to serve. We serve as sole custodians of the living world as human beings and animals serve as sole custodians of their domain functioning according to their need. Take away that purpose and you will become redundant in an abundant world. Take away the purpose of an animal and that animal will become extinct. Likewise we need to ask ourselves where the dinosaurs are. Did they have a purpose in life? The answer is yes! Dinosaurs did have a unique purpose in life and when that purpose was no longer needed they become extinct. We are here for a valid reason and this can be seen quite clearly in the way we think, do things and say things. We have the appendage to do things that other organisms cannot do. We can train for amusement elephants to perform acts or lions to jump through a ring of fire but this is not a purpose but rather entertainment to amuse. Life is abundant and sometimes animals appear eerie to our eyes or sometimes even weary if they are nocturnal. Dear Friends animals have a fundamental purpose in life and that is to create the centre stage for us to exist, endure and subsist. Take away the animals that roam the Earth, burrow the soil and glide across the atmosphere and you shall have a platform that will collapse instantly. You must believe in a purpose in your life and if you do your life will become more engaging. I believe wholeheartedly in my existence through many decades of tiresome trials and tribulations. I saw the lows and the highs in my life. From the age of three I was subjected to horrific circumstances that always left me to question my existence. I saw and felt pain across every plain in life. I felt hurt many times in my life and decided to become alert from now on. Yesterday we spoke of living in anticipation and today I can only expound on that. I saw anger between the eyes of greedy men and women and today I live to avoid the adversities in life. Always remember that avoidance is better than pursuance. From a young age I was always fascinated with the lives of animals. Watching David Attenborough on TV made learning about the life of mammals a lot more interesting and having studied S Level Zoology at school made me become even more interested. You see Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls if you look deeply into the lives of animals you will see a picture of fascination, exploration and verification. You will see that animals have a natural instinct to survive and to avoid the adversities that they often face. From these observations I created a series of 34 Books called ‘The Natural Instincts Series’ as a reference source to help me meet the highs and lows in life. Today I want for you to have access to these books for free. However to avoid abuse and unauthorised distribution of my books I am creating exclusive sites for you to have access to. So when troubles knocks on your front door at least you know that there is and always will be a reliable source of information at your disposal. This source is called Universally Friendly, a circle of friends around the world that care, share and remain fair.

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