Determination is the
foundation to Realisation.
Quote of the day
‘Determination is about Exploration, Transformation, Evaluation,
Realisation, Meditation, Inspiration,
Negotiation, Administration, Toleration,
Implementation, Organisation and Normalisation.
Hello Friends, it is
nice to greet you on this fine day and it will be even better to meet you one
day. I was thinking at the onset of this morning about
the ups and downs of life and how it has such an incredible impact on our
lives. We are always told to be determined in whatever we
do but somehow we lack the continuance of our determination. To
help maintain continuance I suggest observing 12 words on a regular basis and
to use them when there are ups and downs in life. These 12 words are Exploration, Transformation, Evaluation,
Realisation, Meditation, Inspiration,
Negotiation, Administration, Toleration,
Implementation, Organisation and Normalisation Take
note that these words are derived using the word DETERMINATION as an acronym. The 1st word is Exploration, which is about the assessment
of your written tasks preferably a day before. A lot of us make the common mistake of taking
on workloads without realising the responsibilities attached to them. Exploration allows us to evaluate our tasks
for the next day and place them into time slots as per our abilities. What
follows after this is an immediate Transformation. Transformation takes the
next working day and alters it to a doable day. By Exploring your workload today,
you will Transform tomorrow into a doable day but it does not stop there. You
need Evaluation. Evaluation is all about Time Management. How long does it take
you to perform a specific task allowing for any discrepancies? How long does it
take you to fry an egg or walk to the station to board your train? Evaluation
creates time slots for your daily agenda. What follows next is Realisation.
Realisation makes you understand your responsibilities for the tomorrow. You
explored, you transformed and then you evaluated, now comes realisation. To appreciation or realise the extent of your
workload you need to meditate on it. There are various ways to meditate, I
prefer the early hours of the morning. Here Inspiration flows like the early
morning dew. It is the perfect time of your day to be truly inspired. As you
undertake the first task on your memorandum you need participation and
cooperation from all members of your team. If you have to leave home at 8 then
everyone else must understand this and therefore remove confrontation from the
equation. Administration follows you everywhere. Administration is the running
of your affairs. It is about proper supervision and paperwork. Without such
management your day can fall to pieces. Good Managers of their affairs exercise
incredible tolerance. They are fully aware of inhibitions, prohibitions, exhibitions
and contradictions and address them with tolerance, patience and understanding.
Implementation is about accomplishing your tasks amidst the unforeseen turmoil
of your day. Everyone has ups and downs. Success in life is about steering your
intent away from the ups and downs of life. We know well that it is out there
therefore we need to be alert and vigilant. Organisation is about order at
home, at school or University and order at the work front. It is based on good
methodology that comes from experience and from learning. Without a good
methodology chaos will rampage across the floor. Finally, Dear Friends when you
are really determined to overcome the unforeseen and the foreseen events in
your day you generally revert to Normalisation. Normalisation is the ideal
scenario for all successful meritocratic individuals. Sadly, this does not
happen and therefore we need to follow a certain protocol. Normalisation is
about control, taking relevant action when things go wrong and maintaining
constant action when things are right. Dear Friends, I urge you to be
Determined at all times, when there are ups as well as when there are downs. Enjoy
the final day of June 2016, I look forward to welcoming you to July 2016. Take
good care.