Thursday 23 June 2016

The AIM Academy – Part 2

The AIM Academy – Part 2

Quote of the day

‘The AIM Academy is a special private school for students requiring the special edge to overcome the sudden setbacks they experience in life. The Academy provides an array of different materials to suit the individual to enhance their Aspiration, Inspiration and Motivation.’

Welcome to the wettest day of the year, everything happens for a reason therefore we need to be prepared by always living in anticipation. Are you stranded in Victoria because of localised flooding? Did your travel plan to school become chaotic? Life is always fill of ups and downs. Today you may have everything that you aspired for and tomorrow it may be taken away from you. Job security can turn into redundancy overnight. Big companies like BHS that stood the test of time for decades suddenly shuts their doors. Exam results can turn into damn insults. Cars can breakdown instantly, new or old. Suddenly the washing machine can fail with a bill as long as a monkey’s tail. Life is really full of ups and downs. Today we decide to leave or stay in the EU. What will tomorrow be for you, your children and your children’s children. There is noted climate change, there is hunger and there is poverty. Children are always the ones to suffer. 21 years ago when the internet was at its infancy, information was not so freely available. Today information is readily available. Accessing the right information is hard. Type in a keyword and you will find an array of catchwords which will soon draw you to a series of passwords. Dear Friends, once your email is circulated around the globe you suddenly have so called experts waiting to help you. What is help if you cannot find the right help. What is information if it is clouded with conjecture. What is a solution when it cannot be directly linked to a specific problem? What will the future hold for you when you cannot make your own decisions? This is where the AIM Academy comes into the arena of recourse. It is an information centre with an assigned mentor. It is an information centre to enter with a presenter. The AIM concept is to develop your Aspiration, strengthen your Inspiration and fortify your Motivation. I am here to help you and my service is free except when you need a physical product then you will have to pay for it. Your plan of action is to ensure that you read my motivational tweets and articles and if your problem is deeper seek help from the AIM Academy. Have a relaxed evening despite the strenuous day that you might have had. Don’t forget tomorrow is the end of the week. The weekend awaits you.

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