Saturday 27 February 2016

My Goals are your Goals

My Goals are your Goals

Quote of the day

‘My Goals are unusual because they are actually your goals. For every goal that I make, I create a resonant effect making others from faraway to be inspired and then motivated to create a similar goals or goals of their own.’

A very, very hearty welcome to your final weekend of rest and relaxation in the month of February 2016. It’s good to have you on board. Sorry about the late tweets for yesterday. We had some issues with our internet service. In a few days we shall close the curtains to our wonderful experience in February where we became hopefully captivated by Positivity. Without Positivity there is Negativity. With a little bit of Positivity there is still Negativity. We need to eliminate Negativity for good. To do these effectively we need to become goal orientated. Therefore, I decided to be open today and talk about my goals. My Goals are your Goals, they really are. The reason for this is that we ALL have similar goals differentiated by just 1%. Yes, just 1% tells us apart. Our goals are the same but differs by 1%.  The following is a list of some of my more common goals. Sieve through them and you will find that it was not too far off from your goals. Goal 1. The Million Gift Pledge for Christmas. I would like to gather 1,000,000 gifts to distribute to the less fortunate this Xmas. To create a smile in a child is the greatest gift you can ever give. It is that simple smile that can light up the world. Goal 2. I will write a further 300 Quotes and Articles this year to make up my Quota of 356 Quotes and Articles per year. Already I have written over 1700 Quotes and Articles for your perusal to help alleviate problems in your life and to help you achieve your goals. I am slowly increasing my database so that you can refer to them with ease and to feel pleased. A free service just for you. Goal 3. Destinations – New York. April 2016 – 7 days. Staying at The Benjamin. Visits to the museums, The Rock observatory etc. We all have Destinations but different places, different times and different budgets. The content of our goals will always differ by 1%. Goal 4. To reach the correct BMI. Our BMI or Body Mass Index needs to be monitored daily for the rest of our lives.  BMI gives you a Better Lifestyle, it makes your purpose in life more worthwhile and it also makes you less hostile. Goal 5. I want to be debt free for the rest of my life, to remove the burden of financial stress and increase my chances of success. Dear Friends, the next stress factor to bereavement in my opinion is Financial Stress which I call FSS. FSS stands for The Financial Stress Symptom. FSS is a slow killer and huge inhibitor to all your goals. It’s time to end this. How are these goals similar to yours? Let’s take Goal No. 1. Do you have an unwanted gift that you can part with? Would you like to make someone happy for Christmas? Is it not time to part with that gift and donate it to The Million Gift Pledge for Xmas? Let’s look at Goal 3. Do you have a Destination place to visit in the world? It does not have to be New York. Following my plan of action in march will ensure that you reach your Destination of a lifetime this year. Dear Friends, you need goals to keep negativity away from your daily agenda. Goals keeps you alive and active. I will speak more about my goals in the month of March. Have a peaceful and wonderful evening.

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