Friday 20 March 2015

The Total Eclipse of your life

The Total Eclipse of your life
Quote of the day
‘An Eclipse of your life is seen readily when the equation of success is rapidly extinguished from under your eyes. Effort becomes nullified with counter effort, enthusiasm dwindles to a weak spasm and eagerness soon becomes weakness.’

Planetary eclipses occurs rarely but are often very scary especially when the temperature drops or when the direction of the wind changes or perhaps the whole surroundings darkens for a brief moment. Personal eclipses are often more frequent and act very unfairly. Planetary eclipses can best be described as Syzygy where three planetary objects yoke together in a straight line obscuring one from the other. Personal eclipses can best be described as two or more people yoking together hindering, obscuring and oppressing the other person’s progress. We often disregard personal eclipses because they happen too often and we generally are not aware of them. I want to tell you today Dear Friends anything that obscures your progress will always leave you oppressed, suppressed, depressed and regressed unless you take action and do something about it. As planetary movements effect all other planetary activities personal vendettas or hostilities do the same to people. Try it as a simple experiment. You have witnessed an eclipse today and saw the consequences of it. Now stand directly in front of an adversary and watch how you will be stalled from doing what you set out to do. An adversary does not have to be an actual person, it could be something else like problems stemming from commuting, strike action, weather patterns or your very own feelings of insecurity. Whatever stands in your way will obscure your path, your mission and your agenda. Your goal in life is to have goals. The goal of an adversary is to shut off your goals. Why? It all started way back when man tread the planet of his existence in search of a purpose and an agenda. Standing in front of him was another man or perhaps two that wanted the same and hence blocked everything from actually happening. Human Greed is a menacing tool that killed, maimed and isolated so many people from their golden dreams and goals. You have to overcome adversaries but in a more subtle way. You have to reappear when an obstacle shunts you like the Sun that reignites the sky when the moon moves away. You have to get up when you stumble and you have to become humble and remain humble even when you crumble, fumble or are in trouble. Keep your corona glow bright and cheery all day long and when any adversary stands in front of your bright appearance move aside and let them pass. You have to do these things. The Sun has zero tolerance for objects that comes in its way and therefore you should feel the same. So when an adversary comes your way you will know because the equation of success is rapidly extinguished from under your eyes. Effort becomes nullified with counter effort, enthusiasm dwindles to a weak spasm and eagerness soon becomes weakness. Move aside and take your effort to the next level, accelerate your enthusiasm and ignite your eagerness. Be like the Sun, still glowing and still active 24/7.

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