Sunday 8 February 2015

An Incredible Feeling

An Incredible Feeling
Quote of the day
‘A spirited Sunday is one where Man and Woman meets Nature under a rainbow of colours. He or she understands that newness is about to spruce and wildlife comes to the surface. It is a moment where you realise that it is time for you to emerge like bulbs of hyacinth, lilies and tulips.’

Like Seasonal changes everything in life must go through a restitution. Today I awoke to such a change. I saw nature open its panoramic curtains to its own personal makeover. I could hear silence and I could feel numbness. It was time for the buds, bulbs and seeds to spruce. It was time for animals to close the curtains to hibernation and open the search for predation as the mice, the squirrels and foxes get ready to start a new cycle. I could feel moulting in the woods, I could sense sniffing in the hedges and I could understand the buzz on the bee. It is was a time for restitution. It was time for nature’s own personal makeover. As I sat in awe, I noticed that there was no flaw in Nature but a distinct flaw in me and perhaps you. It suddenly made me awake to my own restitution. It was time for me to sniff the freshness of Spring and to moult all old habits that I have accrued for so long. It was time for me to remain silent and listen to others weep, sleep and reap. It was time for me to feel my own needs and understand the needs of others. It made me realise that I cannot possibly succeed on my own and that I need 7 billion other people that have similar aspirations to succeed and proceed. This is why I labelled this article as ‘An Incredible Feeling’ for it is incredible to witness Nature in an astonish colours and to hear Nature in amazing sounds. Today is the time for you to greet the wonders of nature and explore the magnificence of life. Today is the time for you to spruce from the cocoon of your inhibitions and build on the wisdom of your composition. It is a time to greet new life from daffodils to tulips, from gladiolus to crocus and from lilies to irises. It is time to acknowledge those wonderful fauna from bees to butterflies, from toads to grass snakes and from swifts to nightingales. Dear Friends, wake up to the sound and harmony of Nature and let the burst of passion and desire enter your daily agenda.

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