Sunday 9 November 2014

Engage rather than Disengage
Quote of the day
‘The Sun has risen, the moon stays in prison. The stars shine and Mars remain fine. The birds chirp, the bees buzz and the flowers bloom. Roses are yellow for friendship and pink for love. You are here to engage with The Sun, The Moon, The Stars, Mars, The birds, The Bees and the Flowers.’

Life begins with a melody of events starting from dawn and ending in dusk. Life is about living from dawn to dusk. Life is about everything from simple atoms to complex structures like you and me. Life is a challenge for every individual and as The Sun rises it awakens it occupants to meet all challenges. Your life like mine holds a moat of challenges from the least expected to the most anticipated. Life is a dramatic stage filled with renewed props waiting for you to engage in opportunities open for all. As the moon fades into the twilight night workers go to sleep making room for the sound of melody. The tune for the morning is the crow of a rooster, the chirping of birds or the laden freight train that huddles and hurdles along the silent tracks. When these sounds reach your ears on a Sunday morning it is time for you to engage. It is time for you to awaken to 12 hours at least of your spirited time. It is time for you to delve into the majestic melody of nature. It is time for you to engage, to inhale and to manoeuvre your day into one that is gratifyingly good for your senses and for your tenses. It is time for you to disengage from the battlefield of work and from the mine pits of human tension. It is time for you to cherish the wonders of nature in a cocoon of your own desires. It is time for you to embellish the frontiers of your home, of your personality and of your vocabulary. It is time for you to seek the pleasures of life on a day that you are not answerable to the concord or discord of other people. Cherish your day, cherish your life and cherish the birds, the bees and the daffodils. Don’t stamp on the path of the ant or destroy the web of our arachnidan friends. Keep your day like a weekly gift from Almighty GOD and make your growing asset that renews your spirit and brightens your new working week.

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