Wednesday 10 August 2016

Action Loop

Action Loop

Quote of the day

‘Action Loop or AL is a sequential series of tasks that scoops the daily accolade of Unselfish Accomplishment and Personal Achievement. Action Loop works effectively in a group of four magical words – PLAN unselfishly, Act unselfishly, Check unselfishly and Do unselfishly.’

Welcome to the 2nd midweek of August 2016, it is good to have you on board on our unique and unselfish journey to success. Today I want to talk about ACTION LOOP where you loop a series of potent words to create those effective tasks. Any venture in life requires a Plan of Action. If you need a loaf of bread or a Rolls Royce, you need to Plan unselfishly. Planning is about scanning the details of what you need to do. It’s the official A -Z to get you started. You then need to Act unselfishly. Acting is about attracting passion and desire into your daily agenda. Without it you will certainly be selfish in whatever you do, think or say. What follows like a cogwheel is Checking? You need to Check unselfishly. Checking is the confirmed Science of avoiding wrecking your day. Check on the dotted line, check your missed calls, check your mail, check your appointment schedule, check everything vital to your day. Finally, with everything in place you need to Do unselfishly. Doing is about arranging your tasks into time segments. Always remember that Doing is about not confusing the issue at hand. To be effective, go through your Plan, Act by dividing your workload into morning or afternoon, then Check that your workload follows a queue and finally Do it. Success in life works effectively if you Plan, Act, Check and then Do. Later on we will show by example how effective this method is. Have a wonderful midweek. Take good care and remember AL is for today, tomorrow and beyond.

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