Friday, 21 October 2016

Votes for Quotes

Votes for Quotes

To collectively own a plethora of Quotes exceeding 1700 makes me quite a resourceful friend to have. In an open forum, I asked my friends from around the world to vote for their best quotes from Universally Friendly. These were the results:

Quote No. 10

‘Always exercise moderation and consideration in all that you do.’

Quote No. 9

‘A good deed a day keeps the evildoer away.’

Quote No. 8

‘Our true persona is the character and personality that others see in us and not what we see in ourselves.’

Quote No. 7

‘What is a goal if no thought, assessment, management or inference is undertaken. It is like a shot in the dark.’

Quote No. 6

‘From the sum of my actions cometh upon me the manner of my identity, my petulance, my fortune and finally my demise.’

Quote No. 5

‘Love thy GOD with all thy heart and with all thy strength, every single day of your centennial life on Earth.’

Quote No. 4

‘Paving the way to a successful career is an arduous task, but the chemistry behind it is simple, orchestrated and rewarding.’

Quote No. 3

‘The Entrepreneurial Dozen – I shall only follow a set of instructions that gives proven results.’

Quote No. 2

‘I am your friend for life but my friendship with you is just a stepping stone to your personal success. What comes next is Effort!’

Quote No. 1

‘Who are you if you are not part of a chain of friends from around the world that care, share and remain fair.’

Dear Friends, always latch onto a Quote that appeals to you, that makes you feel full of zeal and heals old wounds.

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