Countdown 79 - System Control
Quote of the day
‘System Control is apparent when you are in a Comfortable, Observable, Negotiable, Teachable, Reasonable, Obtainable and Lovable state.’
A warm and pleasant greeting to all of you on this fine Wednesday, the 12th day and the second midweek of October 2016. When you have reached System Control you would have passed the strong hurdles in your career, what follows is the serene sound of gentle waves. Gentle waves denote a gentle cruise to a lifetime of relaxation and elation. To achieve System Control, we need to use a new power word. That word is CONTROL. CONTROL stands for a Comfortable, Observable, Negotiable, Teachable, Reasonable, Obtainable and Lovable state. What is a comfortable state? To say that you are in a comfortable state means that you have overcome the many learning curves of your life. You fell and got up, you stumbled and fumbled but never gave up. You lost a friend but continue to make new friends. You failed but then succeeded. You collided but then decided before colliding again. You burnt your fingers now you use your fingers properly because you learnt the hard way. You lost now you won. You cried now you tried a little harder. You said the wrong thing now you started to say the right thing. The Observable candidate is always the noteworthy one. They stand tall with elegance. They speak with eloquence. They write without arrogance. They act without negligence. The Negotiable one is the person that is always reachable, available and feasible. It takes valuable time to develop these qualities. Time is what we have therefore we need to use it profitably. We need to learn each day rather than focus on earning each day. This creates the Teachable character in you. A Teachable character is one that is poised in learning, absorbing and acknowledging. Sometimes it is hard to learn and even harder to learn from a younger person. I say onto you and verily to you are never too old to learn. Are you a Reasonable person? Reasonable people are men and women that spent their younger days learning, absorbing and acknowledging. A reasonable person is very rational, highly intelligent and sensible about their lives and about the lives of other people. A meritocratic goal setter is always Obtainable. They always make themselves available at any time of the day. They do not procrastinate, they respond immediately and give you an honest answer. Finally, when you are in control you are always very Lovable. To become lovable, you need first to be Comfortable, Observable, Negotiable, Teachable, Reasonable and Obtainable. It is hard to adhere to something different especially when you are used to a particular pattern. Applying the above techniques helps in the long run. Have a great midweek.
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