Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Countdown 74 – Listen with Precision

Countdown 74 – Listen with Precision

Quote of the day

‘If something important is said always make a habit of listening to it again. Try to listen with precision, taking note of every monosyllable, disyllable, and polysyllable. It will help you to remember.’

A very special welcome to all of my friends from around the world on this penultimate midweek of October 2016. It is so important to listen attentively to something that is logical, theological, philosophical, cosmological, mythological, historical and original. Always pay attention for better retention. The world is so filled with amazement that in order to be amazed you need to praise. Praise the LORD for the gift of life bestow upon you. Praise the animals that work laboriously each day to make life better for you. Praise your parents for their sacrifice and tolerance. Praise your teachers for your education. Listen to their eloquent words. Listen until you glisten. Words hold a special meaning when uttered by someone that speaks from wisdom. Words can carry you on a journey that is mystique and unique. So, when the sound of a sentence comes your way that is eloquent listen to it. Listen to the preacher that preaches to teach righteousness. Listen to the teacher that parts with knowledge. Listen to your parents for they know well. Listen to your older siblings that have learned from their mistakes. Listen to the angels that whisper comforting words in your ears. Listen to the news that keeps you informed and listens to the views of someone else. Listen to the sound of nature such as the chirp of a cricket, the coo of a pigeon, the quack of a duck or the growl of a walrus. Listen to the trumpet of an elephant for he knows more than anyone else. Listen to the croak of a frog and you will know what season it is. Therefore, if something is said that sounds humble, mellow, gentle, sweet, inspiring, motivating, encouraging and graceful pay attention. Be captivated by the sound of niceness and goodness. Fill your abode with melodic sounds from transcendental music to classic collections. Take away the noise and you will be poised. Take away the screaming and you will start dreaming of better things. Listen with precision. Take note of every monosyllable, disyllable and polysyllable. It will help you to remember.

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