Friday 15 August 2014

The Intranet, The Internet and The Extranet

Dear Friends welcome to the final day of the working week. I hope and pray that you had an accomplished and fulfilled week. Today is also the 15th of August 2014, we are midway in August. 15 days are about to pass and 15 days are about to begin. Today I would like to talk about the net, the lattice of communication and the network for vital information. The Intranet is confined to communication and information sourcing from within a fixed entity normally a business or office premises. Here authorised users have access to each other, to their portfolio, proposals and schedules. It is communication at a faster pace, accessing help when needed and assessing help at a glance or at an instance. This makes life for all considered easier, swifter, competitive and resourceful let alone challenging. Targets can be reached and production can be attained within a company or organisation efficiently and profitably. The Internet on the other hand is not confined but refined to a broader audience and not within just an organisation but to a limitless audience around the world. Information is sought, information is got, information is bought, information is support, information is also forgot and information is also caught. Information is knowledge, information is wisdom, information is news, information is communication, information is fact and information is statistics. Information reveals evidence or unknown entities, collaborations and affiliations. Information is a universal concept of understanding. Information is what is put into the system and extraction is what is read from it. What you put into it is what you get out of it. Today Dear Friends of all ages and backgrounds I want to introduce you to a new source of energy and information and that is the Extranet. The Extranet, redefined is a source of information that originates from the beginning of time and collectively provides information when required. It is about our history and it is about the history of life. These are two important clichés, our lives and the lives of every organism that roamed The Universe. The Universe is the Server, a vast collection of vital data needed to supplement our demanding needs. It is the source of wisdom created by our Heavenly Father. It is about life and it is about living it fairly. It is about caring, sharing and remaining fair. It is about classified data, facts and plans. It is accessible and it is inaccessible. It is accessible to those that are willing to use it altruistically and inaccessible to those that want to use it selfishly. It is has been used by men and women both great and limited, unconsciously and consciously. Twenty years ago I tapped into the vastness of The Universe, I needed to log into the archives of realisation and spiritual information. From this inquisition cometh the information that you read each day. It is my inspirational guide as well as yours. It provides answers when answers are needed and it provides solutions when solutions are most urgent. Quote of the day: The Extranet is a spiritual hub of information which makes good sense and remains common-sense. It is our history etched into the chemical composite of matter and mind. It resonates across the vastness of space encrypted in a divine code. It is accessible to all and it is inaccessible to some.’ Dear Friends please don’t just log onto the Intranet or Internet when trouble comes your way. Reach out for the Extranet instead. Having trouble logging in, no worries just log into Universally Friendly for friendly support and guidance wherever you are. Where are you might I enquire. Are you troubled, in doubt, bereaving, in debt or unwell? Your problems can and will be solved. Always remember that, for I was once suicidal, homeless and penniless, today I am sensible, accommodated and priceless. Have a wonderful day and if you need to make a gallant start to resolving your problems please log onto my new blog There will be an enriched article on a regular basis for you which can even be delivered to you if you run a hectic schedule. There is also a free copy of my book entitled Seasonal Quotes priced at $11.40 on Amazon for you to download for free. Your personal details will be kept secure and will only be used to relay vital information for your wellbeing on planet Earth. This book is a good starting point to resolving any issues that troubles you daily, With love from your friend for life - Anthony

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