Sunday 25 October 2015



Quote of the day

‘Belief Evaluates your Love. It Extends your Vision of Everything.’

You simply cannot succeed in life if you do not believe in yourself. You need to believe because believing helps to gauge your love for life and the power to live it endlessly. Although is a simply four letter word its exact meaning is somewhat misconstrued by many. Why is love such an important tool to succeed? To answer this all important question we need to explore the true meaning of love. Love is an important and powerful tool to overcome all your dilemmas. Love is about attraction. Attraction magnetically draws passion and desire in you to do the things that you want doing. Love is about enjoying life. Life is indeed a precious gift bestowed upon you from the heavens above. Love is to appreciate the wonders of nature, from simple creatures to elaborate creatures like you and me. Why do they exist, why do we exist? These are paramount questions to ask and get a reciprocate answer. Love is the ability to care for our planet and to share our daily gains to those that are constantly in pain. Love is about adoration for our Heavenly Father for granting us the power to live and to serve and to be an able human being. Love is about being sincerely devoted to a worthy course. Love is ardour, it is about the passion and desire to achieve and to receive. Love is about maintaining friends and eliminating enemies. Love is about forgiving and forgetting.  Love is about showing by example and living by example. Love is about leaving behind a legacy of good deeds for others to follow. Love is romance too, about finding the right partner to share everlasting memories for a lifetime. Love is fondness for the children of our world and to show them what is right and what is wrong. Love is about being gentle on your toes so that you don’t trample the ants below and gentle on your tone so that you don’t hurt someone with your words. Love is about being gentle with your hands so you don’t hurt someone physically and gentle with your plans to create better lands for the future generation to come. Love is about being responsible rather than irresponsible. A responsible human being takes full control of their daily affairs whilst an irresponsible human being does not really care. Love is about being fair rather than unfair. A fair human being is always reasonable at heart, just in their worthy cause and honest in their in their daily affairs. Love is like the sweetness of an angel and the tenderness of the snow-capped mountains. This make Love pure. True love does not contain a trace of impurities. When you understand the concept of love then you shall understand everything. Why did the dinosaurs disappear? Is there life out there in the vastness of The Universe? Letting love dwell in the chambers of your heart opens new doors in your life. It extends your vision of everything. It answers all your questions. Now you are the believer. A believer that believes in the purpose of their life and is willing to succeed no matter how long it takes. 

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