Saturday 7 November 2015

The Science of Resilience

The Science of Resilience

Quote of the day

‘The Science of Resilience is about the inner spirit within you wanting to develop the consciousness of living and exercising the purpose of life in a way that unifies the mind, body and soul as one.’

Anything in life including us that needs to perform work requires some form of energy. Energy is drive to make you get up and go. As much as we care for the outer and exposed parts of our body we need to care equally for the inner parts of our body. This is a daily requisite in life where time for your maintenance from head to toe needs to be allowed for. What we see in front of the mirror is also an indication of how we feel inside. An outer appearance of a supple skin, a good eyesight and a healthy crop of hair is a clear indication that the inner parts of your body is functioning okay. To become the ultimate achiever in life you need to coordinate your mind, body and soul to unify and work as one. Take a fully charged battery such as a torch battery as an example. The battery standing on the supermarket shelf or in your tool box has no real value even though it is packed with massive streams of energy or vivacity. We need to unleash this inner energy by connecting it to a device such as a torch and when switched on will cause a filament such as tungsten to glow. In this process we are also coordinating and connecting by converting one energy into another. In this example we are converting potential energy into kinetic energy and then chemical energy into electrical energy. We all have energy within us too stored in different forms and when needed to perform work we need to connect and coordinate. We have three distinct forms of inner energy and this is Spiritual Energy, Intellectual Energy and finally Dynamic Energy also referred to as our Soul, Mind and Body. The coordination and connection and transferal of energy within us moves from chemical to electrical then potential and finally kinetic when we do work. Like an unused battery if we do not connect or coordinate we will not be able to perform work profitably and productively. The above video gives you an idea of how to connect and coordinate on a daily basis and acts a simple reference guide which you can modify according to your circumstances. I call this a daily start and end process. We start our day with a prayer and this awakens our soul to the heavens above in a conduit of complex signals that we cannot see, decode or understand. This is spiritual energy which uses insignificant watts of energy. It is our vital link to the heavens above and our passage to eternity. Therefore we need to look after it. The mind made up of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind is the adaptive activity centre of all organisms and is called Intellectual Energy. The brain, the 3 pound power chamber of the body has over 100 billion neurons communicating with each other or to other parts of the body through synapses. The transmission of a nerve impulse is not simply an electrical phenomenon as described by Galvani but it is also a physiochemical process that involves the expenditure of energy as well, converting chemical energy into electrical energy. Finally we have dynamic energy where thoughts manifest into action. Good foods do create good moods and play a key role in how we expend energy profitably. Take a home that is not insulated correctly. The occupier has energy at his or her disposal because they are able to pay for it on a monthly basis. However due to poor insulation and the lack of basic common-sense are actually expending energy unwisely and this regretfully has a knock-on effect on our planet. To be successful in life you need to be sensible or remain sensible every second of your centenary life. As you get older and wiser you must instil good values in the younger generation by setting examples. Starting at home is the best way possible. A happy home is the start to a happy community. Happy communities create happy settlements. Always remember that you cannot have an accomplished day if your mind is under stress or strain or your body is distressed and sprained. You need all three energy sources to get you going. A good exercise routines bespoke to your needs must be introduced in your daily tasks. Different people have different physical abilities, my advice is to start simple with Pilates, Yoga, Aerobics or Walking. 

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