Thursday 12 November 2015

The Modern Day Trilogy – The Blueprint of your Future

The Modern Day Trilogy – The Blueprint of your Future

Quote of the day

‘The Modern Day Trilogy was my blueprint to Success. It was my plan of action for the last 21 years and shall be my plan of action for the next 44 years. It was my proposal for the ultimate disposal. It was my divine design to become more refine and define. It was my heavenly scheme to create wonderful dreams that shaped my future and gave me strength and courage that I could feel.’

The path to righteousness is often confused with the path to unrighteousness. Both paths look similar, made of solid foundation. The real difference when examined closely will reveal that the former is made by GOD and the latter is made by man. A path to righteousness is one that entails a more vigorous journey riding against the winds, under violent storms and in through the scorching Sun. Such a journey denotes the purpose of a man and a woman. A person that follows the path to righteousness is able to endure adversities experienced during their life and often turn a blind eye to absurdities. They are purposeful, moral, virtuous, decent and honest. They don’t worry about what to eat and where to sleep and how to cope because they have a strong tendon of hope. Hope is confidence. Hope is optimism and Hope is about living in anticipation. A purposeful individual always understands their purpose in life and remains focussed, determined and persistent in all their decisions. They are constantly sieving through knowledge from The Universe and applying it to their daily agenda so when the storm approaches they do not fall into the ditch but instead pitch a solution to their dilemma. A moral individual is always good and kind at heart. They touch the Earth with gentleness, plucking what is needed and live their life based on principles. They are always virtuous in all their daily deeds looking not only to accomplish their daily tasks but to help another individual struggling to meet their day. A decent person carries a trait of good upbringing and sets examples for his or her family to follow and adhere to. They are well mannered, stepping aside for the infirm and needy and always come forward if help is needed. Honesty is the cornerstone of righteousness. Without honesty you might as well walk blindfolded into your future. Honesty denotes your genuine humane responsibilities to care, share and always remain fair. 21 years ago when I received an elevation from a revelation I learnt new things in life never taught or explained to me before. I was with knowledge the vital energy from The Universe. I suddenly knew the answers to everything and now I walk the path of righteousness daily. I am aware of adversities some new and some old. My life has become more purposeful, moral, virtuous, decent and honest. How was I able to achieve such a feat? It was possible because I carry with me by my side The Modern Day Trilogy 24/7. Therefore before the end of the year I want every friend, family or acquaintance to have a copy of these three important books that reveals the purpose of their life, how to live it and how to overcome common adversities that breaks the mould of their success. Watch out for links coming soon on my social media network and follow these links to get your very own copy of The Modern Day Trilogy. Also collect SEPTA points to redeem or exchange for gifts this Christmas.

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