Saturday 14 November 2015

Weekend Concepts – Part 1

Weekend Concepts – Part 1

Quote of the day

‘Your weekend formulates an incredible aperture of opportunities for you to explore. Such an adventure enables you to create magical working weeks and a lifetime of magical memories.’

Dear Friends, I wrote this article to inspire you to create those golden goals that I spoke about in the past. With just a mere 47 days before the end of the year we need to create a canvas of dedicated commitments to see an effective change in our lives. Such a change can make a difference between real happiness and constant sadness. Today we hear of the atrocious attacks in France. Sadness fills my heart, and tears cannot express my grief. My deepest sympathies and prayers go out to the families of lost and injured ones. 2016 must be a year of zero atrocities. It is possible to see an overall change if we make an individual change, such a change starts from a blank canvas. What do you etch into your canvas to make 2016 a better year for you? If you look at yourself as a 3D model what is missing in the spatial contour of your life? This is something you need to identify by yourself. My job is to guide you by taking your committed golden goals and turning them into reality. To create those golden goals you need to live a golden life. What is a golden life? I would define a golden life as a life of wonder and splendour draped in excellence and bespoke to your needs. A life of wonder is one filled with miracles. We spoke about this yesterday. You are an achiever and therefore can have anything that you want in life. A life of splendour is a life that has the finery of indulgence draped to suit your style, habits and customs. To be draped in excellence displays your meritocratic characteristic. The world sees you from head to toe and judges you by your noted actions. Having a persona bespoke to your needs makes you unique. You should never be ashamed of your appearance, your eloquence or your stature. These are attributes created by you based on what you see, capture and finally dream of. This is what a golden life is all about. It is about being unique. A separate article on uniqueness will follow soon. You need to start with a blank canvas and slowly etch into what you what to become. This is the creativity of your uniqueness which makes you a human being but different from other people in terms of your goals. Employing your weekends to capture footage from the outside of your abode helps to create those golden dreams. Good Dreams inspire us to take action. They are like premieres of an epic movie. They give you a visualisation of what your life can become. If you are happy with what you saw in your dream then you should pursue it.

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