Saturday 21 November 2015

It makes sense to use our senses

It makes sense to use our senses

Quote of the day

‘It is practical in the long run to accumulate useful footage by using our senses so that from these sequential clips we can create our very own personalised future.

Bonus Quote

‘Our sight gives us flight, might and sprite. Our collection of unique sounds makes us more profound, astound and spellbound. Our taste makes us chaste, full of grace and without haste. Our sense of smell makes us well, makes us repel nasty smells and makes us dispel evil spells. Our feelings makes us more appealing, less concealing and more revealing.’

Welcome to your weekend. Welcome to a period of liberation from your vocation, liberation from the usual weekday frustrations and liberation from your unforeseen confrontations. Today I would like to talk about our senses and how we could use our senses as sensors to capture wonderful footage to create those wonderful and golden goals for 2016. We have 5 senses which is Sight, Touch, Smell, Hearing and Taste. Our sight gives us flight, might and sprite. Our collection of unique sounds makes us more profound, astound and spellbound. Our taste makes us chaste, full of grace and without haste. Our sense of smell makes us well, makes us repel nasty smells and makes us dispel evil spells. Our feelings makes us more appealing, less concealing and more revealing. From these humans sensors such as our ears, eyes and skin we are able to send live footage to our brain where the processing of such images are handled and stored. Our sensors are constantly sending signals to our brain. They enter our brain as photos, conversation, music, feelings, imagery, footage and many of our experiences in life. When we sleep the editing process in our brain begins and creates footage for us to see in our dreams. These dreams are then passed onto our thoughts for our perusal. If we like our dream we can pursue them, if we do not like our dream we usually forget them or remember them as a confused or bad dream.  Wonderful and Golden dreams can blossom into a wonderful and eventful life if we follow the right instructions. The power to utilise the right images enables our mind to create the perfect goals bespoke to our needs. As we capture images pertinent to our needs our brain is constantly storing them. Good images create a sequence of inspirational dreams. Some dreams are so inspiring that when we get up in the morning we feel that we want to take action to make our dreams come true. These are what I call golden goals. Our brain can be likened to a CPU in a computer. As we use all 5 senses in our daily grind we are constantly sending exteroceptive messages to our brain. Like a HDD in a PC our brain stores these images and can release them in the form of dreams. Good Dreams create golden goals, therefore if you capture good images your brain will hold a series of good and golden footage ready to create inspiring dreams for you to watch while you sleep. When you retire at the end of your day your brain releases these images into inspiring footages revealing what your life can become. These so called inspiring footage or dreams can shape your future for the better. These dreams makes you to achieve your goals, unselfishly.  Have a graceful, eventful, joyful, beautiful, bountiful, careful, colourful, wonderful and thankful weekend and start capturing footage to begin manufacturing the appropriate dreams. 

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