Wednesday 28 January 2015

The Natural World

The Natural World
Quote of the day
‘Look at all GOD’s creation to gain maximum inspiration in all that you do. The Fauna of the world as far as Botswana across to Tijuana are here for a reason. Look at them and marvel at the creativity of our Heavenly Father.’

It is not only the Flora that holds magical colours and scents, the Fauna too creates idealistic behavioural patterns to inspire you. Watching the frog makes you want to slog. The gentle deer makes you steer your intent when trouble is around. The donkey like the monkey will always fascinate you with their ability to remain calm but aroused to work when it is time. Watching the bear makes you weary of a snare. The fox will always make you live out of the box. The hare will teach you how to be fair. Animals are intelligent beings from dogs to hogs, from cats to bats, from snails to whales, from goose to mongoose, from octopus to platypus, from bee to flea, from millipede to centipede and from baboons to raccoons. All creatures have a unique function, each labouring industriously to get the job done. So, if they can why can’t you? Why ignore GOD’s wonderful creatures that fill the surface of the Earth and burrow beneath it. Marvel at them and learn equally from them. Learn from the drake, the snake, the clam or the lamb, the lark or the shark, the moth or the sloth, the eel, the seal,  the fowl, the owl, the camel or the mammal, the ferret or the parrot, the chick or the tick, the beaver and the retriever. Every creature has a purpose and so have you. They wake up and so do you. They eat and excrete and so do you. They rest, they play and they go about their daily duties as per their instructions from our Heavenly Father. Why is it that we do not function in the same mannerism? Have we changed the rules a bit to accommodate us? Have we ignored The Commandments and created our own? The hen like the wren will always follow The Commandments unlike men who do not. The cockatoo and the kangaroo follow their daily agenda like stable crew unlike men who do not. Follow the scent of the gnat, the bat, the louse, the mouse, the ewe, the gnu, the beagle, the eagle, the bug, the slug, the buck, the duck, the cow and the sow to keep the wheel of inspiration turning for you. Dear Friends you need to follow success in order to be successful. You need to work, play and rest rather than work, work and work. You need to conserve, you need to observe and you need to preserve. My article called Converse, Observe and Preserve will be a useful article for you to read tomorrow.

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