Thursday 2 June 2016

The twinkle of a star is the definition of life

The twinkle of a star is the definition of life

Quote of the day

‘The twinkle of a star is the definition of life, encrypted in colour and matrixed in a velour of intrigue, gleaming majestically into the vastness of time and space, encoded with your dreams and speckled with stardust, the twinkle of a star really makes you what you are.’

Warm greetings and endless salutations to all my wonderful friends on a truly super and wonderful day here in good old London Town. Today at the onset of a new and radiant month I would like to remind you of your wonderful life and experience on planet Earth. It is a life of immense joy and happiness if you are willing to shine like a star. Your life can be a bed of comfort, a mattress of relaxation and an eiderdown of warmth if you are willing to gleam like a wandering star. Your life can be a kaleidoscope of colours from one end of the spectrum to the other, each frequency depicting a new adventure for you. Your life can be a portrait of a king or a queen sitting in a palace of opulence, delivering to the Universe a sense of warmth and kindness. Your life can also be a shroud of mystique for you to explore, a bookshop of knowledge for you to capture and a shore of pebbles and stones for you to create. Your life is your life encoded deeply with your dreams and your goals written in a language for you to pursue and possibly renew. Your life is an ocean of possibilities and a pond of impossibilities.  I urge you to appreciate your life daily. I urge you to take care of your life and let it twinkle in the evening silhouette of a distant star forever and ever. I urge you to take care of your body, the machinery of your actions and to walk the fertile plains of the earth with a defined purpose. Take cognisance of this fact right away. Appreciate every second of your life. Do this with vim. Join a gym, look trim, learn how to swim and be prim. Stand amongst the crowd and let them know what is right and what is wrong. You don’t have to utter a word but your persona should capture their imagination. Your life is worth 100 years. Your eternal life is worth an infinite number of years. Drive your energies to live your life fruitfully, usefully and profitably. Remove any unwanted anomalies that you may have and replace them with distinct qualities. Create friends. Leave behind a name that they will remember. Watch your weight and avoid being late for anything. Never instil a milligram of hate in your heart. Don’t live to berate or frustrate someone else that trying to go about their daily chores. As much as you learn to appreciate your own life always respect and appreciate someone else’s life. A twinkle of a star will always make you what you are. You will shine a light of hope to those that sometimes walk in total darkness. You will see the mountain tops more clearly and look deep into the ocean floor and see the creatures of the sea with awe and wonder. As you discover your purpose in life, you will inspire others to do so. The eel will always be there to feel the current of the ocean floor. The whale will migrate and the hyena will gyrate. The hummingbird will continue to hum and the baboon will often try to drum. This is the real definition of light, ignited by a distant star to live amongst the creatures of the world in a cosmos of uniformity and conformity. Have a wonderful evening and wake up to the sound of life, in a playground of 7 billion people and a background of guardian angels.

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