Tuesday 1 March 2016

March in March

March in March

Quote for the day

‘March in March with tranquillity to keep away hostility. March in March with nobility to keep away futility. March in March with motility to keep away fragility. March in March with capability to keep away vulnerability. March in March with stability to keep away volatility.’

White Rabbit! White Rabbit! White Rabbit! Welcome to the first day of March 2016. It is the month where we shall march with motility. It was sad to say farewell to February, the month of Positivity. Thank you February for giving us positive energy to make our dreams come true. Tranquillity is the mode for all meritocratic Goal Setters. Tranquillity sets the pace for the perfect environment to work, rest and play. Take away tranquillity and you shall invite hostility. With hostility you can never work, rest or play at your best. Let us march into March with tranquillity to keep away hostility. Nobility is the keystone to maintain a gentle and kind mood. Such a mood keeps you away from snapping, lashing out or being indecisive. Without nobility there is futility. Let us March in March with nobility to keep away futility. Motility is the power to do things spontaneously spurred by your positivity. It is the process of taking action. From Fascination we became aspired, then inspired and now motivated. Without motility there is fragility. Fragility is weakness. Fragility is illness. Fragility is delicateness. These are traits that we can do without. March in March with motility to keep away fragility. Capability is your passion and your desire in a particular field. Anyone can take up plumbing, carpentry, teaching, driving or any form of employment but if there is no passion and desire then there is no capability. Without capability there is vulnerability. You are exposed to redundancy. You are exposed to being sacked. You are liable for any mistakes. March in March with capability to keep away vulnerability. Stability is vital to a meritocratic Goal Setter. Stability is strength in whatever you do or think. It is your self-confidence needed to get you to the top. Without stability there is volatility. Volatility is instability. It is where things start falling apart. It is where your whole day becomes one of chaos. You become unreliable, unprofessional and unwanted. March in March with stability to keep away volatility. As usual do find time to visit my blog and read the complete articles. My blog can be found at www.inspirationalgalleries.blogspot.co.uk. I wish you a motivated journey in the 31 days of March. May you find your pot of gold in your own special way.

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