Wednesday 10 June 2015

More time on you, less time on others.

More time on you, less time on others.

Quote of the day
‘We spend more time watching others than watching ourselves. Watching others makes us emulate for the wrong reasons. Watching ourselves makes us emulate for the right reasons.’

Bonus Quote
‘What you see is what you get. What you do is what you achieve. What you say is what is heard.’

Additional Quote
‘Impersonation is for impersonators. Originality is for successful people.’

Dear Friends, in order to achieve the wonders of life, filled with the opulence of The Universe you need to monitor yourself all the time, if possible every second that awaits you. It may be a tall task but actually it is an endearing task flanked with a meaningful purpose and outlined with a cloud of constant joy. Yes, Dear Friends joy is what you need in you more than the air that we breathe because joy brings out the youthfulness in you. It does not matter whether you are 90 years of age or 12 years of age your life should always bubble with enthusiasm, energy and vigour. I always ask myself why I am here. Why do I need to get out of bed each day? Why should I not have a life that is abundant and joyful? It is all about me and how I enact my role to an audience of 7 billion people on Earth and to an infinite audience that watches us from different planets, solar systems and the heavens themselves. What I see is what I get. What I do is what I achieve. What I say is what is heard. What you see is what you get. What you do is what you achieve. What you say is what is heard. Therefore your enactment should be a 5 star rating all the time. We need to monitor how we walk and where we walk. We need to monitor what we say and how we say it. We need to monitor how we think and the way we think it. A lot of us especially those that are unsuccessful spend countless hours of their life watching TV. The TV has become their Time Manager. There is a TV in the Dining room. There is a TV in the bedroom and in some homes there is a TV in the bathroom. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls I urge you to become the manager of your own time. I urge you to watch what you do rather than watch what others do. In other words could you please turn off the TV? Interactive TV is good because you can choose your own programmes at your own time. But even then I urge you to limit this to a few hours per week. Watching others makes us emulate for the wrong reasons. Watching ourselves makes us emulate for the right reasons. Emulation is good if you follow good role models. You cannot be Muhammed Ali but you can certainly learn how to box like him. You cannot be Stevie Wonder but you can sing his songs. Impersonation is for impersonators. Originality is for successful people.

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