Tuesday 1 September 2015

Become a Member in September

Become a Member in September

Quote of the day

Every human being has the right to live their dreams fairly and unselfishly. They have to expand the horizon of their limitations. They need to capture, they need to gather and they need to peer into a special aperture of opportunities that is bespoke to their needs.’

White Rabbit! White Rabbit! White Rabbit! A special and cordial welcome to you on a spectacular month in September 2015. In September 2015 I want you to become a fully-fledged member of Universally Friendly. To this all you need to do is to sign up for my free newsletter and benefit from ALL the inspirational content that I have created in the past 20 years. There will be bespoke Quotes for you in detailed and enhanced graphic posters for you to print and keep close to you. Every person has a history of developed problems, some small and some not so small. Today, on the 1st day of September I want to confirm that all problems are solvable irrespective of what they really are. I know this for a fact because I solved so many problems both personal and public. There will be competitions and opportunities too for you like never before. As a member of Universally Friendly we will all learn to share, care and remain fair. This is the motto of Universally Friendly and will always be. To share is not a difficult task because it is an encoded humane value that we all have. To share is to give liberally to someone or to a group of people something that you have and they do not. To care is equally easy. To care is to show deep concern over the welfare of another human being and to our planet as a whole. It is something that we should do spontaneously, with ardent passion and desire. To be fair is by far the best humane quality that you may inherit. I say inherit because to be fair we need to be showed how to do it. The reason for this is that we are too emotional to be rational. Following by example the men and women that left behind a legacy of good deeds for us to follow is by far the best way forward and the best way to learn. In September I shall hold your hand to victory by inspiring you to reach your goals with ease and with the right keys. Having the right key makes you unlock the right door. There are many, many opportunities out there. You need to determine what you would like to do. Many of us are fearful of this search. I say onto you and verily too, do not fear for GOD is here, right beside you. Do not fear because you have the right to a fruitful career. Do not fear because fear makes you austere. You need to expand your horizons and reach out for the things that you want to do, have or partake in. You have the power to do anything. You just need to broaden your horizon by capturing, gathering and finally peering through the right aperture into your personal vault of happiness. Capturing is about accumulating visions of your dreams into a sequence of streams or actions. You need to capture what is bespoke to your needs. You need to expand your horizon and liven your life. You need to gather relevant information pertinent to your needs. Information is readily available as data in the form of text or images. You need to create a portfolio and this portfolio is the selection of your life in the future.  It depicts your capabilities and abilities and illustrates what you can and will achieve whatever your dreams hold. You then need to open the right door. You need to have the right key that fits the right lock. You need to open that door with confidence and courage. I shall be your locksmith and hand over your personal key to your future on Earth for the duration of your stay. Believe in yourself and you shall believe in your future. My contribution to your success is the vital link to your overall success. What I write is what I do daily. I follow stringently a set of instructions that work. I do not create but just update Laws of The Universe. The Laws of The Universe is as old as The Universe. The Universe is alive and has been for so long, so why not derive my inspiration from it. What you see is what I see. What you read is what I read. What you can do is what I have already done. Dear Friends, become a Universal Friend. In a few days from now I shall provide you with a link to do just that. I wish you a happy month rather than a snappy one. I wish you a joyous month rather than a pointless one. I wish you the best for I believe that you are the best in the faculty of your choice. Go out there and maintain your best, it is as simple as ABC.

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