Sunday 29 March 2015

The Vestibule of Time

The Vestibule of Time
Quote of the day
‘The Vestibule of Time for each individual is limited to 100 years. In this passage of existence we need to allocate time to wonder about today, tomorrow and about our future. We need to become creative and innovative so that we can jump hurdles that stalls our progress.’

To wonder about our existence plays an important role in how we exist. To exist in a world filled with enemies makes life rather fearful. The golden rule during our existence is to increase our friends and to decrease our enemies. In a vestibule of Time lasting 100 years for each individual irrespective of age, colour or creed we need to exist in a friendly tone, free from harm and free from inhibitions. Wondering about today, tomorrow or the next day helps to keep you on track with your existence. By wondering you become innovative and creative. Innovation changes the face of the future. Innovation starts from within you deciphering or wondering on how you shall undertake your tasks tomorrow in a more productive and effective way. It is about latching onto ideas that can create a better solution to your existing problem. Creativity is derived from your imagination. It encompasses everything from Science, The Arts to Music. Combine the two and you have the perfect substance for the future. Wondering about life henceforth as opposed to recalling the misery of past memories plays a pivotal role in how your life shapes up. Tomorrow is significant and so is the rest of your life on planet Earth. Do you remember when I spoke to you about the equation of life? The equation of life is as follows: 100 – YA = Success. 100 stands for the vestibule of time for each individual. YA stands for your age. In my case scenario I will have 44 years more to live on planet Earth, hence my wondering this morning. I need to think of tomorrow and how I can improve on my skills to do better and to set an example for others to follow. Yes, life is about renewing friendship and eliminating enemies. Life is an avenue of friendship and a corridor of opportunities. Without friendship life can be likened to a period of hardship. Without opportunities life is even harder. We need to wonder on how we can change our future through creativity and innovation. We need to make tomorrow a better day than today. We need to confront fears and overcome those painful years. Start to wonder about tomorrow, the day after and about your future. You have a life, live it to the fullest.

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