Sunday 15 February 2015

Ambition, nutrition, cognition, intuition and inquisition

Ambition, nutrition, cognition, intuition and inquisition
Quote of the day
‘The nutritional composition of The Modern Day Trilogy has provided me with cognition to deal with misunderstanding, intuition to deal with problems and inquisition to fill the gaps to pertinent questions in my life.’

When I fell deeply into the trenches of failure over 20 years ago, it hurt me dearly. I was penniless, homeless and very suicidal. I lost my Mum under the most bizarre and frightening circumstances and her passing away has been the most difficult episode in my life. There has always been problems in my life despite reaching financial freedom at the age of 35. I knew that I was always good. I could not harm a fly, I never engaged in any wrongdoings, I never smoked, consumed alcohol, did drugs and I remain a vegetarian for almost 35 years.  To expound on this I was in fact a Potatorian for almost 10 years. Yes, I would eat nothing else except potatoes. Bizarre? I suppose I was. I would make infinite amount of enquiries from a young age, as young as 5. I would ask about life, about death, about religion, about the afterlife, about UFOs, about planets, about the stars, about animals, about plants and so on. Somehow whatever answers I received from my peers, tutors, employers, parents, friends, and research was insufficient for me to say that I am satisfied. I wanted to know the right answers to my questions and to live by those answers for the rest of my life. I am happy to say that I now do have the correct answers to ALL my questions such as:

Is there life after death?
Where Heaven is and what does it look like?
Does GOD really exist?
Is Mercury really a planet?
Where was The Garden of Eden?
Do aliens exist?
Where was The Garden of Eden?
Did dinosaurs live amongst humans?

These answers came to me from an incredible revelation that lasted four hours. Living in a conjecture creates a weak foundation to your overall success. You need a strong foundation to meet perilous circumstances in your life. You need a strong foundation to forego temptation. You need a strong foundation to overcome adversaries that come your way through so many different shapes and sizes. With a strong foundation you can meet your daily agenda with a sigh of relief and a breath of belief. Reading The Modern Day Trilogy provides you with these vital answers. It is now my reference source and I always read it when in doubt. Today I want you to keep this option or avenue of reference at your disposal. I want you to consider creating a stronger foundation to a better and secure life, free from debt, harm and insecurity. The Modern Day Trilogy has helped me to regain my life on Earth in way that I shall be eternally grateful. Today I want to start by sharing my revelation to every household on our planet. It has changed my life now I want to see your life change to. Keep a watchful eye for The Modern Day Trilogy, from me to you in the days to come.

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