Friday 12 August 2016

Happy Weekend

Happy Weekend

Quote of the weekend

‘If your weekend is not happy then you need to look back over the last seven days to find out where your happiness has sieved through. To help you I include several previous Quotes to change the mood of your weekend.
A joyous welcome to your weekend, it is your private affair to do anything that you want, at your pace and with elegant grace. To liven up your weekend I include the following Quotes out of an archive of 1700 Quotes written by me over the last 21 years. To have access to such a broad spectrum of solutions is the sure way forward. To every problem in life there will always be a defined solution. Therefore, if you are unhappy, sad and feeling down I want you to know that Universal Friends around the world care, share and remain fair. They care for you because they love you. They share with you because they were once given alms. They are equally fair, in their judgement, in their approach and in their mannerism.

Application Quote

‘Dear Friends, light the candle of hope to the darkness of your gloom. Capitalise on your positive achievements rather than dwell on your negative failures.’

I wish you joy, happiness and love from the bottom of my heart. Take care, always share and remain fair.

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