Friday 12 February 2016

Seasonal Quotes

Seasonal Quotes
Quote of the day
‘Seasonal Quotes is your free prescription to Success. In it you will find the right way at any time of the day, the right way to pray all through your day and the right way to display your level best in all that you do.’
Welcome to Friday, the day we await to be rewarded for our gallant efforts during the past 5 days. The day we rejoice knowing that we made the right choice. Today I want to talk about Seasonal Quotes. Seasonal Quotes are a series of books that I have compiled to assist you in achieving your goals. At the top right hand corner of my blog at you will find details of how to get your very own copy. It is absolutely free. Every month you will receive the next book delivered to your door giving you a total of 12 books a year. I am confident that these series of books started in 2014 will be of immense value to your overall success. As I have always indicated to you, to the best of my ability I will provide you with all the tools that you need to succeed in life. Seasonal Quotes are designed to carry you into a new dimension in life. It is filled with inspiration to sparkle your day and your life.  It is filled with motivation urging you to take action as well. It is something that I regularly read. Inspiration can be likened to a firework that lightens up the sky with colour, awe and wonder and after a while it fades away. Motivation on the other hand is lingering and triggers you to do more and more. It is about your life and what you can do profitably with it. Seasonal Quotations in all seasons throughout the year may be downloaded for free as a special gift from me to you. We all have access to this leverage in order to act well and to be inspired to remain well.  There are many books written the world over on this subject matter and many of them are best sellers. Books written by me on the other hand are somewhat different. They are designed primarily to keep all your unselfish goals alive and to give courage and bravery to make them come true. To do this I engage with my audience on a daily basis. I tweet to inspire, I write to inspire and I speak to inspire. With this constant association with you unlike other Authors that do not do this, you will find me by your side each day no matter where you are in the world. I am shall take you on a journey similar to mine where from a distraught level of anxiety I have eventually regained my sanity. I have established myself from a penniless, homeless and empty person to a Motivational Speaker, Mentor, Author and Philanthropist. I am grateful for the gift of life bestowed upon me by our Heavenly Father and for allowing me to tap into the vastness of The Universe to gain new knowledge. I am the Author of several popular books including The Modern Day Trilogy. I urge you to make a start. Soon there will be online courses for you to sample such Cooking for Beginners, Multicultural Cooking and Computer Courses. I believe in providing help to those that do not have access to help, like a child that walks for several miles to reach some water. When I taught Rwandan Refugees Electronics and Computers I not only opened new doors of opportunities for them but I also closed the doors to disunity. I was able to provide an opportunity to someone in the same way I was given a fair opportunity in life 21 years ago. Therefore, I urge you to take action. Like a harvester I want you to gather all your tools, articles, Quotes and eBooks before you start to sow. It is a long road to success but when you get there the journey would have been worth it. Always remember I shall be there to guide you. Before the end of the month there will be more. Access to Exercises 4U. These videos are bespoke exercises to suit every individual. There will be of course access to The Databank Times Newspaper, the 1st online Inspirational Newspaper in the world. There will also be an APP for you to download so that you may access your daily Quotes on your Smart Phones and Tablets. I am really excited. Apart from helping you to achieve your goals I also use the same tools to achieve my own goals. February is definitely the month of Positivity, for you, for me, for them and for every individual that lives on our illustrious planet. Have a wonderful Friday and don’t forget to gather all the tools you need before you can make a gallant start.

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