Sunday 24 January 2016

The GRAND Period of Growth

The GRAND Period of Growth

Quote of the day

‘All things in life follow a simple growth pattern, including your ideas.  An idea could lay dormant until a catalyst triggers it to spruce into the likeness of the original concept. The initial stage of duplication, multiplication followed by proliferation is slow and then accelerates into a cycle called The GRAND Period. This is where you see your ideas turn into a galleria of achievements.’

Bonus Quote

‘The GRAND Period stands for Growth, Restoration, Acceleration, Nullification and Destination.’

Greetings to all of you on a fine and peaceful Sunday morning. Thank you for your incredible appreciation and endearing friendship. It is great to have you on board sailing along a 365-day journey into the frontiers of adventure and pleasure. I use the words adventure and pleasure intentionally because an adventure always enables you to have a quest in life. Now that quest could be personal or it could be a collaboration between family and friends. Can you imagine discovering the answers to some of your questions that dwelled in your mind for so long. Can you imagine finding out the truth about life and the purpose of it. Can you imagine finding your treasure but more importantly finding it with pleasure. You see Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and Girls you must have pleasure in whatever you do otherwise your adventure will not take off. At the end of last year, we spoke about golden goals. Now we need to allow them to manifest into the vastness of life. Ideas can only become actuated if we take action. The process is slow, very slow indeed. Like a seed that spouts into a tiny shoot we just have to be patient and let nature take its cause. Let us assume that you wanted to lose weight as part of your golden goals for 2016. Today is the 24th of January 2016. Did you lose weight significantly in 24 days? No, it takes time, at least ninety days before we enter The GRAND Period. The 1st 90 days is slow. You need to develop the willpower to overcome the superpower of temptation and you need the brainpower to maintain your staying power. Most of us start a diet fad and within a few days our determination is trampled by the temptation of bad foods and varying moods. To maintain and sustain our goals we must understand The GRAND Period of growth. When we start a goal little changes are noted. After a reasonable period of time there is a noted difference. GRAND stands for Growth, Restoration, Acceleration, Nullification and Destination. Initial Growth is a slow process, this is where your patience is needed. You instilled your seed from a simple creed called change. Yes, you visualise a goal and then you instill it into your mind. Where there is a change there will be Restoration. Restoration takes an abnormal situation and makes it normal. Restoration starts at your command. This is normally man’s greatest hurdle. Once noted changes are seen there is the Acceleration process. Acceleration ensures rapid changes. If it is weight loss that concerns you, after the Restoration Period where just a few pounds are shed your body becomes adapted to changes in your diet. Acceleration makes you burn more calories and even more when you combined it with regular exercises. The Nullification stage is the most critical one. Here most people fallback and start putting on weight. I believe in ensuring that you sustain your goals for life. Changes must become permanent rather short lived. Finally, it is Destination. What is your Destination in life? Destination is about your purpose in life. It leads to your terminus point in life which falls on your 100th birthday. Reaching your ideal goal weight and keeping it makes your destination more interesting. Dear Friends, always remember whatever your goals are you have to be prepared to be patient and follow The GRAND cycle of growth. Don’t be despondent when there aren’t noted changes in the 1st 24 days of the New Year. Be patient and persevere. Have a wonderful Sunday wherever you are. Relax with your feet up and imagine your journey in life as a unique adventure tailored just for you.

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