Sunday 23 November 2014

The Action Plan

‘The Action Plan – Achievement and Accomplishment without Grievance and Punishment.’

Quote of the day
‘When it is time for action we will know it well. It will be written in the stars and we will encounter our workload in workable bouts of achievement and accomplishment without grievance and punishment.’
Do you stand at the top of a hill like a meerkat sentry watching out for predators or do you wait at the bottom of the hill for an easy entry. You have the appendages to make dreams come true and until you take the right action nothing will work out. How do you take the right action? How do you drive a car? How do you bake a cake? Becoming successful in life is not about reinventing the wheel but rather about revealing your dreams. Revealing your dreams makes you understand what is needed to fulfil and achieve them. If you want to pass your driving test you first do the research and then perform the search. The research is written in the stars.  The search is in the workload made up of a theory test, driving test and at least 30 individual lessons. The result is a driving licence that you have accomplished and fulfilled over a period of time in this instance approximately 6 months. If you want to increase your income again you first do the research which is made up increasing your hourly rate, studying to increase your knowledge, working overtime or working for yourself. You then perform the workloads attached to it and over a period of time you will be financially better off feeling accomplished and fulfilled. Sounds easy but is it. To learn to drive you need tuition or knowledge. To increase your income you also need tuition or knowledge. However sourcing the right tuition or knowledge plays a pivotal role in how your result fares out. How did I do it 20 years ago? How did I walk through the jungle of confusion and deceit without encountering problems and inhibitions? I did my research based on my goals but how did I go about getting the right search? What made me alert and not hurt, what made me successful and least stressful and what made me happy and not snappy? I based my venture to fulfilment and accomplishment on the parenthesis of ground rules which formulated the start of my journey. To reach the stardom of my venture I needed to follow a set of rules already laid down by someone that has done it before. This was and still remains my action plan. Ground rules create sound results. What comes next is my action plan based on a system of rules laid out by someone else who has successfully done it before. I call these rules Expound Rules. This is my deliverance to you from me in various formats to suit your needs. What are your Expound rules? Expound Rules were rules given to me to use and implement on a daily basis. Now I want to pass them onto you in exactly the same that I received them. We have done the ground rules, now we shall exercise the Expound Rules. Don’t pursue a goal or a resolution without adhering to Ground Rules and Expound Rules otherwise you will be punished and live in grievance.

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