Thursday 4 September 2014

Adding a colour to your life

Quote of the day

Colour formulates a mellow tone to your overall appearance and adding more colour makes you part of the overall scheme of life’s momentous occasions

A dull life lacking colour and flanked with monotones of boredom and negativity makes your day dull, unproductive and unaccomplished. A meritocratic Goal Setter refrains from the constraints of life’s forbearances. He or she acknowledges adversaries no matter how big or small and counteracts them with self-control, tolerance and patience. They attract colour to their life from head to toe and show off to the world the sparkle in their eyes. Laidback people often make their weaknesses known so that their adversaries gain an obvious advantage. Colour is a depiction of the magnificence of life from any corner of the horizon visible to the naked eye. A meritocratic Goal Setter will make the world know that he or she is serious about life and that life is about living it, period. They attend to their needs including a pedicure and a manicure. They are well groomed and shadowed with makeup in the specific amounts to add tint, shade and blush to their personality. They do not get up to go but get up to get ready to go. This is a crucial difference to an accomplished day or an unaccomplished one. They keep their teeth gleaming with freshness and ensure that they utter good syllables of coherent sounds and add a speckle of joy in their monologue. Dear friends, colour is incredibly important. Décor is also crucial to your overall appearance at work and at home. Practise begins at home and professionalism starts in the workplace. Start today and care for yourself. Care for your wellbeing and care for your belongings. Keep your shoes polished and your clothes pressed fashionably. Do this every day and make it know to the world that sees you or hears about you that you are indeed meticulous. Take a portrait of you from time to time and see if colour is lacking according to your moods. Cultivate good mood changes and refrain form the glum and murky moodiness that besets your day or your life. These are wasted levels of energy. Colour is vibrancy. It makes a picturesque setting for a meritocratic goal setter. Colour is what you need or at least what you need to ‘brush’ up on. Gender is not of importance, colour is vibrant, pure and clear to both male and female. Add colour to your life from now on to the end of time when the rainbow shall pick you up at the end of your stay on Earth and to take you to the kaleidoscope of colour galore in the heavens above. 

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